Chapter 4

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i just sat there in shock. Why did this man want to see me again? He's fricking Harry Styles. Am I going to still go?

I got up and grabbed my phone showing the time, it was 4:30. I needed to start getting ready. I was going, I want to know more about him and maybe even more...

I went upstairs and got in the shower. I did the whole nine yards. I got out and wrapped up in a towel and started with my hair. I blowed dryed it and plugged in my curler. I was going all out because I wanted him to notice.

I went out in my bedroom to my closet and picked out a cute white with flowers romper. You can't go wrong with a romper. I put it on and went back into my bathroom and started curling my hair with tight curls. Next I put on my makeup, not to much I didn't want to look made up.

I was all ready until I realized I needed shoes. I put on a pair of nude heels and grabbed my purse. It was 6:00, he was going to be at my door any second.

*𝐃𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐠*

I walked up to the door trying to not freak out. I opened the door.

"Hey" I spoke.

"Wow" Harry said.

He looked me up and down, he was frozen. Did I do to much?

"You look stunning."

"Awe thank you Harry, you look fine as well."

He was dressed in black skinny jeans and a button down shirt with stripes on it.

"Well i made dinner reservations, we better get going." He said

I walked out the door and locked it. I followed Harry down the steps. Holy crap he has a nice car. He reached for the passenger side of the door and let me in. God he was such a gentlemen.

He got in the car and we headed for dinner.

"I'm glad you wanted to eat out" he said

"Well ya know I couldn't resist you" I said jokingly.

"Oh really now"

I felt his hand move and it was to a spot I never expected. Harry Styles put his hand on my leg. My cheeks started to turn pink. I tried to look out the window to try to hide it from Harry.

"Awe you're already blushing." Harry said laughing.

Dang it he noticed. I needed to find more out about this guy, what were his intentions.

"Hey Harry can I ask you some questions."

"Yeah anything Love."

"What are your intentions with me?"

He looked at me and smiled. I got worried he hadn't answered me yet.

"Don't think I'm going to use you, I'm not like that. I don't like to hurt women. It's been hard trying to date again because of fake news."

"Harry I know who you are, I saw you on the news." I said while turning to look at him.

"Do you not want to go to the restaurant with me."

"Harry it doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you. You're so sweet and caring and I don't care that you're a celebrity."

He looked at me with a joyed face. "That mean't a lot."

We finally arrived at the restaurant and it looked fancy. "Harry you didn't have to take me to this fancy place."

"Anything for you."

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