Chapter 6

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I cracked my eyes open to be blinded by the brightness from the morning sun. I instantly shut my eyes because I didn't want to be awake. I groaned and started stretching my arms above my head. Then all the thoughts that had happened hours ago came to mind. I wasn't in my room, this was Harry's.

I traced my eyes around the room to explore. It was a very nice cleaned room. I was suprised Harry hadn't woken me up yet. I noticed there was a bathroom on the other side of the room. I needed to shower I felt horrible. I walked in the bathroom and saw the huge shower, it had two shower heads. I looked at the bathroom counter and noticed Harry's stuff like his razor and toothbrush.

I took a shower and got out and wrapped a towel around my wet body.  I started to look for a comb, so I opened some drawers and found one. I brushed out my hair. That's when I realized my clothes are in the kitchen. Harry never brought my bag in here from last night. I can't just walk out there in a towel infront of five guys. Maybe I could try to call Harry, shoot my phone is in the kitchen too.

I walked out of the bathroom and walked over to the door and I cracked it. I peeked down the hallway and I didn't see anyone. I can't see fully into the kitchen or the living room though. I listened for people talking but I couldn't hear anything because it was far away.

I had to get my bag, there was no other way I could. I opened the door and started walking out. I grabbed the top of the towel and made sure it was secure. I was almost to the kitchen and then I heard talking. They were in the living room, but I don't know who.  I need those clothes but then I don't want to walk half naked infront of the guys I'm living with. Maybe they were watching tv, that could distract them.

I looked at the kitchen counter and I saw the duffle bag and my phone next to it. I started walking out of the hallway to get closer. I was visible that's when I tip toed over to the counter. I looked over at the couch and there were three guys watching tv, one of them was Harry.

I started to grab my bag and pull it off the counter when my phone dropped and hit the floor. I started freaking out and I dropped my bag too.


I turned back around to see one of the boys getting up from the couch.

"Damn you're fine"

He got closer and I stared freaking out. I was shaking and it was very noticable. I was frozen so I couldn't move. Harry and the other guy were still watching tv they weren't paying attention.

"Why are you afraid of me?" he asked

He was only a couple feet away from me. It was like I was stuck in time I couldn't move any of my body and I couldn't speak a word.

He was right infront of me and started  to reach out for me. I just stared into his eyes. He put his arms around my waist and down towards my butt.

"You wanna have some fun?" He asked.

As he spoke he pinched my butt and I jumped but he just pulled me closer.

That's when I snapped and I started to scream.


The guy took his hands back and then looked over towards the couch. As soon as I screamed Harry jumped off the couch and looked back at us in the kitchen.


Zayn watched as Harry ran over to me and got infront of me so Zayn couldn't see me. The other guy on the couch just watched as what was going down.

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