Chapter 7

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Warmth was all that consumed my body. Laying here with him felt like security.  He was going to keep me safe, and protected. Or so I believe.

I lifted my head so I could peek at him. He was sliently sleeping, with probably no worries in the world. His face was so smooth. His jawline was so sharp it felt like it cut something with it.

Oh how I wish I could be like him. On top of everything, so many people that love him. That feeling has never been in my heart. I started to pull my fingers through his curly locks, trying to get him to wake up. I heard him groan and then he pulled my stomach closer to him.

I started to stretch againist his chest so I could try and wiggle out of his grip.

"Goodmorning beautiful" he said with a raspy morning voice.

Oh god his voice was starting to melt me. Who's voice could ever sound this good.

I layed my head back down againist his chest so he could try and wake up. I felt his heart beat under me, it wasn't pounding like mine was right now.

"Were you watching me sleep Elizabeth?" he said rubbing his fingers down my arms.

Oh god, I can already feel the embaressment. I just kept my head down. My mind going a mile a minute.

I lifted my head up from his chest and pushed my hands againist him to try and free myself. "Let me go"

"You're not going to win this princess, I'm not letting go" he said pulling me tighter.

Suddenly I was tossed on my back and straddled by him on top of me. My heart started beating faster like it was going to explode. He moved closer down to my ear just inches away.

"You think you can get away from me"  he whispered in my ear.

He then squeezed his legs and tightened his grip on my stomach. I could feel a pinch of pain from my ribs.

"Harry you're hurting me" I said wincing.

He looked at me with a sincere look and loosened his legs.

"I'm still not done with you yet" he said bending back up from my face.

I looked at him with nervousness I have no idea what is about to happen.

I felt his touch on my face, he was taking his fingers and tracing the outline of my face.

He reached down by my sides and reached for my wrists and I tried to fight him off but it didn't work.

"HARRY PLEASE" I said as he brought my wrists above my head.

I started to struggle and try to get out of his grip because I was becoming nervous. What is he going to do?

"Please what Elizabeth?"

I was speechless I was just staring at his eyes. He was staring into me and it was like I had been trapped. Harry let go of my wrists so I could control them now.

But I'm still staring at him smiling. I don't know why we are like this. I feel warm inside and weird like I have butterflies in my stomach.

Harry starts to bend down towards my face. He was only inches away from my lips. I had no thought in my mind I wanted to kiss him.

I put my hands around his cheeks and I pulled him down crashing our lips together. His lips felt so soft and they felt really good. We haven't kissed since our first date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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