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For the past two days, Erin and Ana were in New York helping her sister out with a case involving comic perversion. Comedian Josh Galloway always made demeaning jokes about women and rape. After a set at Tompkins Square University, he was faced with many students protesting against said jokes.

One of those protesters, Renee Clark, was assaulted by two of Galloway's fans, after the comedian joked to his audience that it would be funny if she were gang raped.

District Attorney Rafael Barba, told them to find something on Galloway because they couldn't arrest him for speaking his mind.

Another student protester, Carly Rydell, ends up coming to Ana, and accusing Galloway of raping her. She arrested him but because there wasn't much to go on, other than the words of the victim and the suspect, they couldn't convict him. Instead, Galloway is now a registered sex offender, and will be for the next 10 years.

The night before Ana was suppose to return to Chicago, she came clean to her sister about her worries of not being able to solve the Chicago Riverwalk murders. Olivia told Ana that she was smart, and if anyone can figure it out, it's her.

Of course, as soon as she's back in Chicago and her husband picks her up, he informs her that there's been another murder.

*Crime scene*

The couple approached Antonio, who has a grim look on his face.

"Don't tell me." Hank said.

"Yeah. Her name's Charlotte Matthews. Everything matches from the victim two days ago." Antonio informed.

Commander Ron Perry took that moment to show up and everyone greets him.

"Raped?" Ron asked.

"Yeah." Hank confirmed.

"And the ear was cut off?" He inquired.

"That's right." Antonio nodded.

"There were two rape-murders in New York six months ago similar to our two. Commander, I'm sure you're aware that my sister is the Sergeant and acting commander there." Ana informed.

Ron nodded and puller the two Sergeants off to the side.

"Now, there are 600 reasons why I didn't want you both in charge of this unit, but there's one main reason why I did, cases like this. You understand me?" Ron questioned.

"I do." Hank answered as Ana nodded in reply.

"Let me talk with my sister and I'll get back to you." She told him.

"Okay, Sergeant." Ron nodded as Ana walked away to make a phone call.

"Hey Liv. You remember the perp that raped, killed, and cut off his victim's right ear? He struck again at the Riverwalk." She informed.

*District 21*

Erin and Jay walk in and the latter fist bumps a passing Officer.

"Morning, Sarge." The partners greeted in sync, only to be met with a dirty look from Trudy.

That was, until Ana walked by.

"Good Morning, hun." She called over her shoulder, getting a smile from the Desk Sergeant in return.

"Morning, Ana." She replied as the two detectives follow their Sergeant up into the Bullpen.

"Why is it that Trudy only likes her?" Jay wondered.

"Beats me." Erin shrugged.

*Time Skip brought to you by the sassy Trudy Platt*

Antonio is taping the victim's pictures to the whiteboard, Hank is in the Office, Alvin and Jay are conversing by their desks, and Ana and Erin are over by the latter's desk. The Detective is in her chair and Ana is perched on a corner of the desk.

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