Chapter Twenty-Five- My Life Is Complet

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Ail's POV

After Ryder is finished at the back of the chutes he walks out to the car park to meet me and Colt. His gear bag swung over his shoulder and a slight limp to his left leg. But his smile is bright and proud. Colt lets go of my hand and runs towards Ryder, he picks the little boy up and swings him around, Colt laughs and hugs Ryder's neck. The way Ryder is with this kid is amazing, considering they have only been together for one week. 

On the way back to Collinsville we stop by at a creek on the side of the road. There were a few deer there and Colt wanted to see them. I stayed in the car while Ryder took Colt down for a look. I watch as they walk down a little dirt track and crouch behind a bush to watch the deer drinking down at the creek. Their bond is so adorable and I can't get enough of it. 

Ryder's POV

Colt hold onto my hand as we walk toward the deer down at the creek, he looks up at me every now and then and smiles with his big smile. I look back to the truck to see Ail smiling like crazy at us. This is all I want, right now this is it. Ail, Colt and I, right until the day I die. 

I'm gonna marry that girl one day. Hopefully soon, because I have our whole life planned out and I can't wait to spend it with her.

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