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For the #Zeldawritingcontest
Judges of this week:

I hope you all enjoy! 😊


"So, this is your Divine Beast." Zelda affirms, slightly amused. One delicate finger points towards the technological advanced motorcycle that has magically spawned in front of them, her eyes glancing at the boy next to her somewhat suspiciously.

"It is."

"This is the gift given to you by the Sheikah monks that aided you on your journey to save Hyrule." She continues, still flabbergasted, eyes wide with amazement.

Link grins widely at her, nodding his head. "Yes, it is."

"And you can magically spawn it wherever, whenever you like."

"Pretty much, yeah." Link answers, attaching the sheikah slate to his hip, the bright sun falling on their skin as the early summer morning begins.

"That is fantastic!" Zelda exclaims, her eyes screaming excitement and Link is sure she's still fascinated with new things just like she had been one hundred years ago. "The ability to transport anywhere you wish without having to rely on the Sheikah Slate alone is such an enormous discovery! Of course this isn't the only... thing... with wheels around Hyrule but it sure is futuristic."

Link stares at her, his gaze soft. Zelda has this particular expression whenever she speaks about her discoveries and overall studies that is so genuine that Link finds himself trapped in her own excitement as well.

She knows how to brighten someone's day, that's for sure.

"Do you want to try?" He asks, the slight breeze on the air welcomed by both.

Zelda snaps her gaze to him, utterly shocked. "Can I?" She gasps, and Link has to fight a chuckle from escaping his lungs at her reaction.

"Of course. Let me just make sure it has enough fuel because we really don't want to run out of it on a slope." Link positions himself on top of the motorcycle, and it rumbles to life in a second in response to its master.

Zelda watches, amazed, as the characteristic details that only Sheikah can portray glow in a bright orange all over the intriguing engine.

"What happens when you crash?" Zelda asks, genuinely curious. Of course she knows there has to be some sort of safety to this gift, or else the monks wouldn't have given it to the Hero, but she knows Link, and although she's sure he's the most attentive person when it comes to keeping danger at bay, she's also aware that he's one of the most selfless and reckless person she knows.

He takes a quick glance at her, his brows furrowed, a small smirk on his defined lips. "I don't crash."

Zelda watches him for a full second before a laughter bubbles up her throat and she has no other option than to laugh wholeheartedly at his statement. "Well, of course!" Link joins her joyful moment, because both know he's crashed several times, but fortunately came uninjured from each incident. Although Zelda would pretty much appreciate that he be more careful, they're so carefree right now, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere in the woods near the Satori Mountain, that she can't break the moment right now. Soon, she promises to herself.

"Shall we?" Link extends one hand, bowing slightly while sitting on the motorcycle, and Zelda takes it without hesitation, climbing atop the ancient technology and settling behind Link. Her hands encircle around his waist, her heart beating extremely fast upon the realization that she's about to experience something she's never experienced before. A smile can't seem to stop spreading on her lips, and by the soft rise of his cheeks, Zelda is sure Link can't seem to stop it either.

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