| Breathe Me In, Breathe Me Out

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She watches silently as he swings the training sword up and down, left to right, his movements always firm and concise.

It's charming, in a way, how his hands are capable of moving so fluently around the training ground he is currently in, imaginary enemies being slain by his sharp blade in a matter of seconds.

She watches from the small bridge that connects her room to the study the way his brow furrows in determination, focus, courage. How his eyes glow under the scrutinizing brightness of the sun, how his chest rises and falls with even breaths.

It's incredibly distracting, Zelda notices with a furrowed eyebrow, watching Link train perfected movements with his sword so easily. So... effortlessly. That's probably one of the reasons why she despises him so much.

Of course, she doesn't exactly hate him. No. Hate is a powerful word one should only use in extreme situations. Even less when it is felt towards someone. However, Zelda is sure the feeling she has regarding this gifted boy comes really close to that. It only got worse when he was appointed her personal knight and she couldn't even let a breath out without him staring at her with those damn blue eyes. So beautiful, yet so infuriating blue eyes. She wouldn't mind, really, if he weren't so stoic. Not a single word leaves his mouth when she rambles during their travels, nor a thought leaves his lips when they stop for the night and sleep with the soft embers of a campfire. He doesn't talk and she's slowly losing hope he will ever open up to her.

But why would I want him to open up to me?

Sure she believes he'd only come this far because the Goddess had gifted him with some kind of divine power and knowing such a thing only adds up to the resilience she feels towards him. But truth be told, he's one of the very few people who listen to her and never judges, no matter what. And some deep part of her is thirsty to know why.


It has become some sort of a habit, somehow. Early in the morning, right after eating her breakfast, Zelda finds a hidden spot near the training field to watch the knights train. It's usually filled with strong men and women during the course of the day, but being an early bird has its privileges. Only a few train when the sun is still rising and Zelda finds herself being amused about Link being one of them, every single day.

She should have expected as much, coming from the one whose soul had been chosen by the Goddess. Yet, she had been chosen as well and the sealing power gifted to her is still dormant inside of her.

Her thoughts wander for a few more minutes, still obscured from the sights of the knights by the tall edge of the small bridge that connects her room to her study, when her eye catches his frame. Perspiration fills his skin where the eyebrows knit in the middle of his forehead. The blonde bangs of his hair stick to his forehead, the sideburns stuck to his temples. He’s incredibly sweaty for still being so early in the morning, and when in a swift moment he discards his training shirt, throwing it carelessly into a corner on the field, Zelda can’t understand why in the name of Hylia her heart skips several beats.

Sure Link is a handsome man. She knows how the gossip around the castle goes, and she pays attention to how almost every woman and some men goggle their eyes at him when he walks through them in the kitchen or any of the castle hallways. She’s aware of his excellent physique, and his skill while slaying monsters is not something she forgets easily.

Link is pretty, she does not doubt it whatsoever. And the way her eyes roam around the muscles on his back as he flexes them is proof of just that.

She shakes her head once she realizes what she is doing. Her eyes turn away from him, making sure that nobody has seen her during her daydream. It would have been a scandal if someone had seen the Princess scoping out the knights in training.

She only hopes with all her might that Link hadn’t noticed of her distant presence, nor the way her cheeks turned bright red when her eyes caught sight of his body.


Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this little drabble 😊

I hope you're doing well and I'll see you soon! ❤

(Title inspired by watermelon sugar by the one and only harry styles)

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