Christmas dinner

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I woke up to a faint buzzing sound, I rolled over to pick my phone up from the night stand, the brightness of the phone screen hurt my eyes, there was a text from my mum it read

Hi Y/N just want to remind
You that we are having the
Christmas dinner party at
Yours tonight xxx

I put my phone back not thinking much about the text and rolled back over to sleep again a minute in after closing my eyes I thought about the text. I jumped out of the bed and rushed to get ready
"shit, oh shit I forgot about the dinner party how could I forget about the dinner party I need to go shopping and then sort out the house"
I got dressed and headed down the stairs grabbing my car keys and lefted. At the shops I picked up all the stuff I needed for the party and headed back home, I was struggling unloading the shopping bags out off the car

"Do you need help?" Asked my neighbour Tommie

"um..Yes please, if you don't mind"
He takes the hevy bags from my hands so that I could open the door, he walks into the house laying the bags on the kitchen floor

"Thank you, Tommie" I said while starting to unpack the shopping

"No it's ok, late Christmas shopping aye"

"Yeah I'm hosting a dinner party tonight"

"Oh could I come?"

I stoped unbacking for a second "Well..erm Its a family thing so my parents, my sister and her fiancé will be there" I continued unpacking once again

"Oh, ok but it could be like a date you know or we could like go out some time for some drinks you know"

"Erm.. look Tommie your realy sweet and all but I don't like you like that" I finished unpacking and started walking Tommie towards the door "thanks again" I said before shuting the door. I walked to the kitchen grabbing my cleaning supplies from the cuberd and started to clean up,  then set the table to mach the Christmas theam

~a few hours later ~

My phone started to ring It was my mum

"Hi mum"

"Hi Y/N just want to let you know that we will be there in 10 minutes"


"Ok, see you soon bye"


The phone call ended, I began to put the Christmas food in the oven then went up stairs to get changed into a more formal Christmas party outfit I put on a little cute red dress, I was about to head down stairs but there was a knock on the door I walked down to open it.

"Hi mum, hi dad merry Christmas" I hugged them both

"Merry Christmas honey, your sister and Jacob will be here soon" my dad replied I let them in and pored them some wine while we sat at the table not long after there was another knock I got up to open the door

"Merry Christmas sis" as she beigan to hug me I let her in
"Merry Christmas,Chantal where's Jacob?" I asked
"Oh he's running late" she walked to the kitchen to greet our parents we sat down as I pored her a glass of wine, we all started talking caching up and exchanging gifts, I got up to start dishing out the food while I was dishing them out there was a knock on the door
"I'll get it" said Chantel jumping up she opend the door "Jacob!" She yelled kissing him Chantel lead him into the kitchen where everyone was
"Your just in time" I said handing out the plates of food
"Smells delicious, merry Christmas and I have gifts for everyone" Jacob hands gifts to everyone. We all sit down to eat the food

"So Y/N do you have a boyfriend yet and will he be joining us?" Asked mum

"Mum, we have been through this before I don't have one" I replied

"Well are you planning to" she adds

"No the guys I've met are not really my type"

"Y/N have you tried online dating?, that's how I met my fiancè" says Chantel holding hands with Jacob

"What about the guy next door Tom is it?" Asked dad

"Tommie, no he's not my type"

"Ooo why don't we invite him over to join us?" Asks Chantel

"NO!...I mean no he's..busy"

"Oh" says Chantel

"So what is your type?" Jacob asks

"Well... someone with green eyes a great sense of humour someone who's charismatic, intellectual and has a beard"

"Whoa that's very specific" says Jacob
My Father sighs

"Honey, not again we have been through this" Jacob looks around the room in confusion, Chantel whispers something in he's ear then Jacob nods in realization, your mother opens her mouth to speak

"Megamind...honey your describing Megamind, I thought you would have grown out of it by now your 25 your sister is 23 and is going to be getting married in two days time when are you going to wake up he is a cartoon not a real person a cartoon character  in a fucking movie, grow up Y/N why can't you be more like your sister" she leaves the room Jacob stands to follows her

"What your mother is trying to say is that your silly little crush has gone too far now you have had a crush on Megamind since you were 11 we thaugt you would grow out of it eventually"dad says. I stud up to go follow my mum

"Mum sorry, your right I should grow up I think it might be the alcohol getting to my head, I'll even invite Tommie over" before I could even reach the door there was a knock I opend it and it was Tommie carrying a bag of gifts he sees my mum at the end of the hallway being comforted by Jacob
"Is this a bad time because I could come back"
"No it's actually a perfect time" we all head in to the kitchen to finish our meals.

~a few hours later ~

Everyone starts to head home but Tommie stays to help me clean up, I was washing the plates while he cleaned up the table


"Yeah" I replied

"I've actually got one more gift for you" he pulls mistletoe out from his back pocket and holds it above you he leans in for the kiss, I push him back shaking my head but he goes for the kiss again this time trying harder to kiss me I push him off me

"No!, Get out"
I grab him by the arm leading him to the door as I push him outside, shutting the door behind me. I walk back to continue cleaning up. After I went up to my room to change into my pyjamas, I put on my long blue buttoned up t-shirt then grabbed a dvd from the window ledge and went to the living room to watch Megamind for the last time, because my mum was right I should grow up, I put the movie in and pressed play.

~ 1 hour and 35minutes later ~

The move finished I put the dvd in the case walking back up stairs to my room I kept thinking how increadably hot Megamind was and how I so wished he was real but his just a cartoon I got to my room putting the dvd back. I looked out the window realizing how dark it was,I saw shooting star fly by and because I was a bit drunk I made a wish, I then climbed in to bed and went to sleep.

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