Chapter 14

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𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝟏


"Everyone, to the coliseum."

They were instructed to get ready, for the tournament was underway. Victoria was handed her set of uniform which was similar to what fencers wear. The academy's crest gleamed, as she reached down to the sword she was given. It was funny, they were allowing thirteen year olds to hold a sword and expect them not to be irresponsible?

Well they are from esteemed families, so it is highly unlikely for them to behave out of line anyways. And the swords weren't that sharp either. They served as a catalyst for the user to control their power more effectively, as well as keep track on who's scoring. Her hair was tied into a high pony tail before existing the stall to see her friends already ready.

"Alright everyone, do your best out there." And with one final goodbye from their coach, they were off.

"And now, the moment you all have been waiting for! This year's annual Dueling Tournament! We have, The Crystal Cavalieres!" Victoria turned around to see the upperclassman Benjamin was referring to. Speaking of the prince, he was seated beside the senior, their table getting the best view of the entire arena.

She caught his gaze before giving him a smile, the boy wishing her luck. Maria, Gabriella, and a few other girls were off to the stands, cheering loudly for the school's team. Despite all these happy faces, there were confused looks that were directed to her. Their whispers almost rivaling the loud drums and cheers. Pressure started to weigh down on her, before her eyes met her parent's.

They were seated beside the royal family, who were also pleasantly surprised. They weren't aware of their daughter joining the tournament. But regardless, they clapped for their daughter. Their proud expressions enough to calm her down. After the host clarified the rules once more, the whispering died down. And soon enough, it was time to meet the competitors.

"Please welcome, Eaqux Eroi from Aquarina!"

They started to assign opponents, and to Victoria's luck, she was going to be fighting Ryan. Said boy turned to her which made her jolt in nervousness. "Good luck Victoria."

"...yes, you too."

They proceeded to this designated areas, and awaited for the first match to start. Matthew was the first to fight from their team. He was against a kid named Alan Nelson. "Ready! . . . BEGIN!"

Matthew was first to attack. He engulfed his sword with fire and prepared to launch an attack on Alan. However, the boy was quick, and was able to successfully clash it with his own sword. The sounds of metal colliding with each other scattered through the stadium. Matthew waited until the boy was out of breath, when he suddenly pushed forward before jumping to the side. The impact was enough to make Alan fall to the ground, and Matthew immediately raised his hand to the sky.

"Heavenly Flame!" He allowed the fire to surround him, and soon enough, the whole coliseum was feeling the sudden increase in temperature. Matthew was able to prepare for another attack, until— "I surrender!"

The boy's arm was injured, a burn forming. One of the doctors on stand by, along with his nurses, were able to pull the boy up and sat him down on a stretcher. "Alan Nelson has forfeited! The victory goes to Matthew Deymion!" the crowd applauded the boy's victory, while the boy in question remained unmoving. Watched, as Alan got examined in the sidelines before he was healed by the doctor's water magic.

Figuring he should reunite with his steam, the boy walked to the stands, conflicting thoughts racing in his head. Making his friend worry. Victoria was first to greet him, and unlike the others who congratulated him, "Are you okay?"

She noticed.

"I don't... really want to talk about it right now..." He hoped she wouldn't press him for more.

And she didn't.

"Okay. Do you what to get some food later? I saw a lot of food stalls being setup in the academy." His eyes widened.

Just... how could someone act like this? She knew there was something wrong, so she asked. And when he refused to answer, she respected his decision and moved on. She always managed to baffle him, even when they were younger. Being with her always meant new surprises.

And he was greatful for that.

"Sure, as long as it's your treat." The girl gasped dramatically.

"Excuse me sir but being the son of the Marquis must come with its privileges no? Don't leach off of others money."

The boy jumped on her, almost making the two fall to the ground. They were in their own little world, and the the boys who watched didn't appreciate it.

"Come onnnn!" She laughed before pushing him off her shoulders.

"Fine fine! I'll pay, since you won. Think of it as a victory snack." He smiled before hugging her. Luckily, her back was faced to the bleachers, so she couldn't see what the pinkette did to anger her brother and fiance.

The fire user decided to flick them off.

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