Chapter 17

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𝐀𝐜𝐭 𝟏


Now it was Victoria's turn to fight. Despite being aware of how she could easily overpower this kid in a heartbeat, the girl still felt nervous. "And now, the young lady from House Monique! Victoria!"

Her hand gripped on the handle of her sword. Her eyes locking with Ryan's who merely smiled at her. She breathed in and out, preparing herself for the duel. The voice of the announcer booming through the stadium. "Three, two, one... BEGIN!"

Ryan immediately whipped his arm out and an ice shard was blasted colliding slightly with Victoria's face, she could feel blood ooze out. It was not a major injury however, quickly wiping it with her hand.

She waited patiently for his next move, analyzing his movements. He was also waiting for hers.

For two kids, their death glares were enough to bring the whole arena into a scared state. This wasn't a duel anymore, it was war.

She harnessed heat onto her left arm, a blazing bright fire emerging. She sent a blast his way, making him quickly conjure a water field to shield him from the attack, Victoria was successful in pushing him back but not enough for him to be out of bounds.

The audience gawked at the sight, it was their first time seeing the girl fight in battle after all. Some whispered amongst themselves on how barbaric her attack was, while others were astonishing at the girl's strength.

The murmurs of praise made Ryan's blood boil. He already knew he was at a disadvantage, his father repeated it to him over and over. He's been training so much to the point his body feels like dying, he asked for breaks but his father refused him of that privilege. The only thing that drives him is the chance of victory against the girl who's powers were recognized by everyone.

He will prove his worth to his father and to everyone watching. Every. Single. One.

"...I'm not going to lose."

At his command, he lifted his arm and a blue light shined. The whole arena was now surrounded in water and he directed his hand at Victoria. She was then surrounded by water and it froze - immobilizing her. Her arms were frozen too, the possibility of using fire was close to zero.

Time seemed to stop for Victoria, she may be unable to move but she still can think. She switched to a different attribute, one she was hoping to not use for this battle. It was something many people held prejudice towards and she can't blame them. Previous users of this magic have been known through history for using their powers for evil.

Dark magic,

Many people already did not like her, using dark magic might just be the icing on the cake. But it was the only thing that popped into her head at the moment, and so she did it. Gasps were heard and everyone saw the blue haired prince point above.

"T-the sky..." he said weakly. Soon clouds that were surrounding the moon moved and there it was, glowing. It's rays shinned down, aiming towards the frozen girl, breaking the ice.

Lifting her right hand, she flicked her wrist to be met with the warmth of a flame. Her eyes glanced to his direction, only to be met with his scared face. She sweat dropped at the sight, the dark magic must have spooked him.

She shook her head, never mind. Throwing all etiquette out the window she smirked at him, "Come on water boy!" Her taunting was successful, snapping him out of his state. He lifted both his arms while Victoria did the same, preparing for a huge attack.

The impact was able to make the whole stadium shake, even people who did not watch from the stadium could see the explosion because of how tall it was. People were starting to think that their attacks were at equal scale, probably resulting into another draw, but Victoria knew the stakes.

She muttered a silent incantation that was reserved for Dark magic users. It was a spell that absorbs the power of an attack to make others magic or the user's magic more powerful. The audience saw how the flames slowly turned violet and was consuming the attacks from Ryan.

And soon there was an explosion that followed.

With one last incantation from Victoria, a shield covered Ryan and the people who sat in the stadium. A protection spell was implanted to ensure everyone's safety. When the blast ended, sand was flying through the air, making it hard to spot the kids. Soon they saw the Aquarina prince unconscious and out of bounds while a familiar white haired girl stood firm, her face bearing a blank stare at the boys body.

Soon there were cheers from everyone, while the people from Aquarina groaned at their loss. She walked towards his unconscious body, bending over as her hand hovered above his figure. A glaring light begun to emit from her palms and the boy's eyes soon opened revealing his beautiful baby blue pools.

"Hey... sorry about that." she said while nervously scratching the back of her head.

"I hope we don't have any hard feelings." she continued, earning no response from the boy.

The silence was torture. "You're an amazing magic user you know?" At least this got a reaction, a surprised look on his face.

"You were able to fight equally with me... for a while at least." His expression morphed into irritation.

She laughed a bit. "Hey, it just shows how strong you are. We were just fighting on different levels." and with that she left him and walked away.

Reuniting with her family and friends who excitedly waited for her at the stands, the blue haired prince glanced at the score board.

Crystal Academy             Aquarina Academy
3                            2

He sighed and smiled in defeat, 'I'm sorry brother... father...' and with that he collapsed on the ground, probably to catch up on all the sleepless nights he's missed because of training. The distant calls of the people running soundless through his ears. He really needed a nap after this.

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