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"All I know about Paytra is that she's..."

"She's?" Avani was getting curiouser and curiouser.

"She's the element of plastic."

Avani stopped breathing.

"And that's why we're plotting against her," Razor explained.

"Well...theoretically, if she's dead, then...what happens?" Avani's heart was pounding so loud that it could wake up the dead.

"Well, when the person carrying an element is dead, then they would pass it onto their blood-related sibling. So theoretically speaking, I would have to take the job."

Avani felt tears coming to her eyes, but she blinked them away.

"Now of course, I can easily refuse to take the job, but there're great consequences if I do..."


"Well, no one has actually had the guts to do I don't really know. Actually, one person refused."


"And he never came back."

Her pulse was racing and she was feeling queasy.

This was a problem that they cannot solve.

Doomed if you do, doomed if you don't.

Suddenly, Azalea busted the door open. "HOLY CRAP YOU GUYS DON'T EVEN KNOW-"

"Azalea, where were you? Avani said you disappeared again." Razor frowned.

"I-I don't know, I was sitting on the bed for a second and then I got tossed into the ocean the next. Oh god, I had to swim all the way back!"

Azalea looked between Razor and Avani, slowly, a smile crept up to her lips. "I'll leave you two to do whatever you were doing before I interrupted."

Realizing that they were still holding each other, they both quickly backed away, stumbled, and fell.

Azalea laughed and snorted, "Oh, I LOVE making you guys embarrassed!"

Soon she fell onto the floor as well, laughing and holding her stomach.

Avani giggled as Razor rolled his eyes. "Wow, Azalea. Mature."

Azalea straightened up. " guys were talking about Datura..?"

The room was immediately silent.

"Yeah...we heard a scream and we thought it was came from the dark side of the forest so we couldn't see who it was and..Datura...she went in..."

"And she never came back," Razor added.

Azalea looked down. "Guys..I..."

Tears filled her eyes. "I'm so sorry," she whispered.

Avani shook her head."Azalea, we're sorry that we blamed you, but this isn't the biggest problem right now-"

"I know who it is."

Both pairs of eyes shot to Avani.

"What?" Azalea said.

"It's gotta be an enemy."

Confusion filled both of their eyes.

"Just think about it. If there really was a victim in the darkness who shrieked, when Datura never came back, that victim would've."

"But what if the victim was just killed?"

"Not possible because Datura was one of the best fighters. So even if Datura came back, she would've brought back someone. But since that someone never came, it means that someone tricked us."

"...But who?" Azalea questioned.

Jaxson, thought Avani, but she didn't dare to say it out loud.

Razor looked down. "That's the problem. I don't know."

Avani swallowed hard. "Yeah...I don't..know who would want to..."

Azalea gasped, causing Avani to jump. "I think I might know who it is!"


Azalea looked away. "I know that this might seem impossible but...I have a feeling it's Cole."

Avani no longer felt the nervousness anymore. Now all she felt was rage.

"Are you kidding?! Why the hell are you still on about Cole? He was one of the only people who understood and comforted me. Just because he knocked me out the first time just to get me away from you..."

Then the realization hits Avani.

"And why would he want you away from me?" Azalea looked at Avani.

She bit her bottom lip. "He told me that you worked for Paytra-"

"Look, Avani, we don't work for Paytra, but we're not trying to kill her."

If only they knew, thought Avani.

"Killing Paytra isn't the most ideal way to solve the ecosystem problem, however...I...don't see another way...but..."

Razor shook his head. "You can't kill her. She is my sister after all."

They were silent for a few minutes until Azalea clapped her hands.

"Well, who's ready for dinner?"

End of Flashback




ayee! you got through this really long flashback! proud of you <3

ik there were a lot emotions poured into these chapters, yw lol

dont forget to vote, comment, and share if you enjoyed :)

- jenna


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