27| daddy, I'm leaving

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"But why would they kill her?" I asked him, shocked and horrified at what the story had come to.

So Dorran's mother's death was down to my mother and my fake father and she had also hidden my birth to my actual father for so long and for what reason?

"To this day Darcy, I didn't know why they would do such a thing but they were both really unhinged. It just took us until that night to realise."

I need a bit of silence to comprehend this all.

"Also the day Isabella was killed was the same day that Mathew had tried to kill Clarice but failed, leading to his arrest. And he's been in prison ever since."

So it was that night, that horrific night. The night Mathew had gotten arrested, the night that had scarred me for the rest of my life as nightmares plagued me.

He was just watching me sadly as if he too couldn't believe that this wasn't just a story, but our story, our lives that we had lived through.

He almost had to take a second before he carried on.

"As I said before the town had never been split up but after that night, after Mathew's horrific acts, he caused this town to break.

Mathew, Thomas and I were easily the richest people in town now our parents had passed away and we had a lot of influence over a lot of things, a lot of control over the things we owned and we owned a lot.

This town is split apart by three by the river so it almost made it easy for us all to split up. Mathew took the southern Granite hill where my parent's house was. I had never expected Thomas and I's friendship to deteriorate like that but I think he blamed me for the death of Isabella and he couldn't forgive me for my role in it.

Thomas took East bridge where he had grown up and almost shunned me from ever stepping foot in there. Although Mathew had gone to prison, Thomas still didn't believe it was justice because he was only arrested for the attempted murder of Clarice and not anything else. I wanted so badly to make amends with Thomas but I couldn't. I felt worthless and I felt as if I was the one to blame so I let him with his space. The thing was that after I stayed in Finchley where the majority of my business were, as time passed, the distance between myself and Thomas grew and grew and time didn't heal us but separated us more.

The only problem was that because us three all controlled the whole town, our biases and prejudices towards each other spread to the people living in each of the areas. For example, smaller things like the refusal to hire people from the other parts of the town escalated into bitterness and anger and then violence."

His story made perfect sense. It was all coming together why everything had split apart and gone to absolute shit but there were still some things I didn't understand.

"My mother had her part to play in Isabella's death, right?" I asked, clarifying to which he nodded, "Then why the hell is Thomas marrying her? He must have some sort of inclination that she was part of it?"

My father just shook his head in rage, "I don't know but my guesses are that Clarice is playing another one of her cruel games, attempting to hurt me, hurt Thomas and hurt Dorran at the same time whilst seeking protection from Mathew who was coming out of prison and as for Thomas? I'm guessing it's the first steps to his revenge. That guy really did know how to plan and look at it from a hundred steps ahead."

Like Dorran, I thought with slight admiration.

I pushed that from my head as a million more questions popped up.

"Why did the rivalry continue when Mathew was sent to prison?"

He just sighed to this question.

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