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(Repeat Dear Drew Barrymore By SZA)

Zhavia's Point Of View
January 17, 2011

(Flashback: Four Year Ago, Sixth Grade Year)

"You two are lucky I'm not a snitch. We shouldn't solve our problems with our fists. Now apologize, shake hands, and make it right." This girl has been at this for like twenty minutes, my dads going to start to worry about where I am. When we got off the bus Cameron tried to force me to apologize to her idiot brother. One thing led to another and we started to fight.

More like I was going to kick this girls butt. As soon as I tackled her to the ground the other girl pulled me off of her. I'm not sure but I think her and Cameron are friends. We're at the bus stop trying to sort this out. "Why should I apologize? She pushed me first." Cameron says looking me up and down. "Me? You called me stupid, after I said I wouldn't apologize to your idiot brother." He got to change his pants this morning anyways, it's not like he went to school with dirty khakis.

Her brothers weren't on the bus this afternoon for some reason. "That's another thing. You pushed him-"
"Because he almost made me loose my dice!"
"What's with that stupid dice anyways?" The Cameron girl says making me clutch my fists.
"It's not- it's none of your stupid business. Why can't we just go home. She and I are not going to get anywhere." I turn my head to the girl who is trying to get us to apologize.

"Because, you two don't even know each other and you were just fighting. What happens if it happens again tomorrow? Look your new, I'm sure you're going to want some friends." The girl says making me look down, I could use some friends actually. I thought I wouldn't need any here, but today made me feel alone. "I don't need you in order to make friends." However my old friends back home are the only friends I want..

"Yeah, I'm sure you and your dice are fine all alone." Hearing her say the word dice again it makes me tear up. I just wanted to get home before I started to cry. "Hey new girl don't cry, why does talking about that dice make you upset?" Cameron asks, I just shrug. "You can talk to us. I know you don't really know up but I think we could all make good friends." The other girl says. We move over to the bench Cameron sits on one side of me and the other girl sits on the other side. I sniffle before speaking up.

"My mom gave it to me." I finally say speaking. Cameron furrows her eyebrow confused. "What makes it special?" She asks, the other girl waits for an answer. "She left me and my dad, she left us alone and this is the last thing I have that she gave me." I shrug looking down, Cameron looks at me sympathetically and the other girl gives me a sympathetic smile. "It gets easier, I don't have a mom either. Mine passed when I was nine. What's your name?" I feel better knowing that she knows what it's like.

"Zhavia, you?"
"Julissa Isabel Acevedo." I smile at the fact that she her whole name. "I could share my mom with you. It's what I do with Julissa."
"Highly recommend, her parents are the best. When her mom nags me, it feels like I have my own again."
"You can only borrow my mom if you promise not to do that again." Cameron say making me laugh.


"Welcome to the first day of the rest of your life Z."

Zhavia's Point Of View
October 24, 2013

(Flashback: Two Years Later, Eighth Grade Year)

"Okay so which team, there are no wrong answers, however anything other than Edward is the very wrong." Cameron says seriously making my eyes wide. "I'm sorry? Do you hear yourself? You're delusional bro, Jacob always." I eat some of the ships in my bag, just waiting for Cam to come back. "Oh, my child how wrong you are. It's okay you'll know what I mean when your smart and, fifteen like me." Last week was her birthday, she swears she knows it all.

"If you're so smart than why do I have do your biology home work?" I ask genuinely, she's acting like age makes her smarter. "Julissa you've been awfully quiet. You're our dispute settler right now. Jacob, or that old dead dude Edward." I'm hit with some of Cam's popcorn when I say something's about Edward.
"Hey!" I squeal.
"Um Emmett." Julissa says not even bothering to look up from her phone.

"You're.. not wrong." Cam says with a confused look. "Right." I say thinking about it, dude is beefy as hell. "Earth to Julissa, why are you glued to your phone?" I try to snatch it but she blocks me from doing so. She's been all sneaky texting for like a month now.

"I'm not glued to it I just don't care about this movie I've seen it five times." She says clearly lying. She's definitely being sneaky.


My eyes open, waking from the middle of my sleep. I look at the end of the bed to see that Julissa isn't there. Huh? I grab my flash light pointing it where Julissa should be and around the room searching to see that she's not there, she not in Cam's bathroom either.

I point it over at Cam, flashing it near her eyes trying to wake her up. "Psst Cam, Julissa's gone." She doesn't even open her eyes. "Go back to sleep." She turns over to her other side not even caring. I roll my eyes and get out of the bed. I walk to the hall seeing no one at the end of the stairs, in the living room. Grayson's room door is shut but Ethan's isn't. I knock at Grays door and nothing.

He's probably out, but when I twist the nob it's locked, they never lock their doors. I go into Ethan's room and turn my flashlight on point it to the head of his bed to see if he's there. "Mmh, Zhavia..?" He asks confused waking from his sleep, I keep forgetting how bright this thing is. "My fault, I was trying to see if you were in here. Julissa is missing. He just shrugs trying to go back to sleep. "And Grayson's door is locked. I'd grab the key off the top of the door but I'm not tall enough." I swear I better get a growth spurt next year.

No one likes being fourteen and five foot zero. "Fine, I don't have pants on though so turn around... or-"

"I'll turn." I spin around thinking on this situation what am I expecting to be behind the other side of this door. "I have pants on. Come on." He whispers walking in front of me and into the hallway going to Grayson's door. "I never truly realized how short you are." Ethan whispers laughing a little. "Your short." I cock back.

"I'm 5'5" any your-"

"Shut up and open the door." I say squinting at him. He looks me up and down. "You're cute when your annoyed." He smirks, reaching up to the top of the door frame getting the key. "Focus." I say squinting at him. He puts the key in, gently opening the door.


"Shit." Ethan finishes for me. We stand in the door way seeing Grayson and Julissa making out the only light exposing them is Grayson's tv. As the sit in his bed. They pull apart as soon as they see me and Ethan. "You two are?!" I whisper yell shocked.

"And you didn't tell me?!" Ethan asks what I'm thinking. "Surprise." Julissa says making me just stare in disbelief.

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