T W E N T Y - E I G HT

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(Repeat TOO DEEP TO TURN BACK By Daniel Caesar)

Grayson's Point Of View
October 13, 2016

I pull out my phone, checking it to see if Zhavia texted me back, after I said something about Juslissa she just ghosted me. I'm on my way back to the field from the bathroom when I see Julissa walking really fast, the opposite way of the track. She seems upset, something in me hates to see her that way.

"Julissa, hey wait!" I call out to her, jogging to catch up with her. She turns around noticing me, stopping. It doesn't take long for me to catch up to her. "What's up? You seem upset."

"Yeah well I have every reason to be que culo." She says shrugging... what was the last part?

"I'm sorry, I didn't catch that last part-"

"Good." I can't tell but it seems like she's upset with me... "Are you mad at me?" She shakes her head no. "Cam and Z are going at it with each other and somehow in not trying to pick sides me and Z are victimizing ourselves because we don't have mom's." She's more pissed than upset, who would... "Cam? Cameron said that?"

"It doesn't matter," She says dismissing it.

"Yes it does, she shouldn't have said it she's just mad because-" I cut myself off, saying it will definitely make things awkward. I don't want to tell her if Zhavia hasn't. "Because you and Zhavia had sex, I know." She shrugs turning back around. Damn it. "Julissa!" I shout out to her but she keeps walking. I turn around looking the direction Julissa came from to see Zhavia.

She turns around when our eyes meet and walks back towards the track. I am just having the best luck today.


"What did you say to Zhavia and Julissa?" I finally ask as Cameron starts the car, she rolls her eyes pulling out of the parking lot, ignoring me. "Cam you can't take it out on them because I like them."

"See, that's exactly why I did what I did. You don't even know which one of them you want. I know you Grayson you're indecisive. You're just going to end up hurting Zhavia. That or she will end up hurting you like she did Ethan. It's like I'm the only one who can see clear here."

"You know what I meant. Plus I don't think you reminding them that they don't have moms is doing anything. You're being completely insensitive and I don't need you to protect me. We don't need you to protect us. I'll protect her, I always do." She scoffs rolling her eyes.

"Yeah and who's going to protect her from you?" She asks making me roll her eyes. "Can you both shut up? She's a big girl, she can protect herself." Ethan mumbles from the back seat. "Yeah whatever, just you stop being a bitch to her and Julissa." I say turning to look at Cam.

"Since when do you tell me what to do? She's my friend. If you think just because you had sex with her that you know her better than I do than you're wrong. You're not the first guy she's slept with, you can stop acting like you'll be the last."

"Yeah, well I could be. We weren't going to tell you to avoid confrontation, but she and I are going on a date on Friday. I hope you will get over yourself." She scoffs clearly not liking it.

"No, you're not going on a date." I don't need her permission. "I'm sorry Cam but I wasn't asking." I shrug, she's got too used to trying to control me and everyone else. "You know what how would you feel if I tried dating your best friends?" That's a easy answer. "Well being that me best friends are Ethan and Dad... I'd probably pray for you..." I say earning a laugh from Ethan who immediately stops when Cam makes eye contact with him in the review.

"I know you're mad but you are best friends and this doesn't have to change anything. Forgive her."

Zhavia's Point Of View
October 13, 2016

"Why in hell would I do that? She thinks she's done nothing wrong." I say to Grayson who's standing at my door step. He just asked me to 'forgive' Cam. I try to shut the door once I'm done talking but he stops me. "You're not going to invite me in?" He asks looking confused.

"No." I try to shut it again. "This is about Julissa isn't it?" I act surprised, of course it's that. "Wow, you're so smart... you wanna cookie?" I say sarcastically. "Well if you insist-"

"You're an ass." I roll my eyes try to shut the door one last time but he just walks right on in, closing the door. "She was upset, I just wanted to cheer her up." His hand reaches for mine, holding it.

"You're right, I'm over reacting I mean it's not like we're a thing." He smiles before letting go of my hand to instead begin caressing my cheek. The pad of his thumb gently sliding back and forth against my cheek. He leans down to kiss me but stops. "We're a thing Zhavia. Stop trying to push me away when you're upset. Instead just fucking tell me you're upset with me." He whispers on my lips instead of kissing me.

I try to kiss him but he instead pulls away and walks back towards the door. Oh no he doesn't.

"Hey, you can't do that. That's such a.. me thing to do." He looks at me laughing. "See you tomorrow. Oh and don't leave me on read again. I don't like that." He opens the door leaving. I'm really rubbing off on him. God I hate that.


I ring their door bell hoping Cam doesn't answer. Seeing or talking to her is the last thing I want. The door opens and it's exactly the person I came to see, thank god.

"Grayson is in the garage working out, I'll go get him." He's about to head to the garage, but I stop him. "No, actually I came to talk to you. You haven't responded to any of my texts."

"I haven't gotten any, sorry." He says shrugging in the most unapologetic way, and that's fair. I hold up my book. "I just wanted to see if you wanted to pick up where we left off?" I ask hopefully, he just shrugs. "I'm good, Julissa said she'd help me." Julissa?

"Wait when did you start talking to her?"

"Doesn't matter, you don't have to help me anymore. Just take the time you spent helping me, and apply it to Grayson." That stung a little. "Ethan.. just please be careful with her. She-"

"Is trying to use me to get to Grayson? She wouldn't be the first one." Is that what he thinks I did? "Ethan I never used you. You are my friend-"

"Was, I was your friend." Okay now that one hurt. "Ethan don't do this..."

"I'm not doing this, you did this when you did him. Bye Zhavia." He closes the door, I didn't mean hurt his feelings.

It was all unintentional.

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