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(Repeat Magic Hour By Jhene Aiko)

Zhavia's Point Of View
October 23, 2016

I don't have to change being that this jersey is clean but I don't want to upset anyone else tonight. Ethan and Grayson are at home freshening up. We're supposed to be at Buffalo Wild Wings at around nine. It's eight twenty five now so I have time to change. I examine the jersey in the mirror before ultimately taking it off.

I make my way over to my white dresser opening the bottom drawer grabbing a short red sleeved cropped polo shirt and a hoodie to wear over it. I want the rest of the night to be relaxing, I want Ethan and Grayson to be how they usually are.

I don't want them to be pissed at each other especially if it's because I'm doing anything at all to cause that.

Most couples don't have as much drama as us, they also don't have as much rocky history as us. I guess we did it to ourselves. Whatever the case I put my new outfit on and fix my necklaces while looking into my mirror. I've got so used to always wearing necklaces that I feel naked without them... they make me feel comfortable.


The lock of the Dolans front door is turned and the front door opens
revealing Lisa. "Zhavia, beautiful as always." She smiles stepping out the way letting me in. My face shifts a smile makes its way to my face too her smile is so contagious. "Says the walking definition of the word... Ethan and Grayson ready yet?" She looks like she's thinking while we walk to the living room sitting on the couch.

"They spent ten minutes arguing over who got to get in the shower first. I had to let Ethan use sean and I's shower. I'm sure they'll be ready soon though. Are you not staying the night at Julissa's? Cam said you were..."

"I was going to but I think I'm just going to go out with Ethan and Grayson and end the night there. Today just felt a little tiring." I shrug, it's not a lie, just not the whole entire truth. "You sure that's it? You seemed I don't know, like you were upset earlier." She always knows when something is bothering me. I haven't been talking to her as much with everything going on.

"I wasn't..." Dang it why'd I lie? She always knows when I'm-

"Lie, I know when you're lying Zhavia I have three teenagers Z. You can talk to me. Is it you and Cam?" I shake my head no. "I mean partially.. do like me and Grayson? Like really not just because he's your son or because you've known me since I was ten." She furrows her eyebrows before finally nodding.

"I know Cam was upset at first but I'm going to tell you what I've told her and Ethan separately. You and Grayson were bound to happen one day, from that first day he mentioned you. He couldn't stop talking about how pretty, confident, and brave you were. How much he wanted to be like that. I don't know if you remember but Ethan and Grayson didn't have many friends back then and it hurt me to see that for them but you protected them just like Cam did even though you and Gray constantly bumped heads. The boys protect you too, Grayson sometimes more than he should but it's just because he cares so much." She smiles and I feel my heart flutter.

"I see the way he looks at you, the way you look at him. It's just always been a matter of time. So yes of course I like you and Grayson being together, I love it. I just hope you feel comfortable talking to me. About any and everything, even the awkward stuff... like se-"

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