i: twenty minutes

20.8K 360 555

milo beckman
15 may

i sighed, finally getting up to grab a snack after editing my latest video for the past couple hours. it's only a highlights reel from my latest minecraft stream, but there's a lot of footage to sift through nonetheless.

my phone buzzed before i reached the door.

[milo.jpg]: CallMeCarson (callmecarson_yt) has requested to send you a message

i swear, my heart jumped to my throat. quickly snatching up my phone, i read his dm.

callmecarson_yt: hey, this is milo's official insta, right?

i rushed out a response.

milo.jpg: yeah lmao. how can i helo you?

fuck. i typed so fast i didn't bother to check my spelling, what if he thinks i'm an idiot?

milo.jpg: help*

forgetting about my snack, i sat back down in my chair, practically cradling my phone. what could the callmecarson want with little ol' me?

he's verified with over a million followers on instagram alone, he's practically the new-age pewds. me, on the otherhand? i've only been able to grow my account to 40k, and my youtube channel only has about 50k total.

my heart jumped again as his typing bubble popped up.

callmecarson_yt: would you be able to call? i can add you on discord if that works.

holy shit. holy shit. my fingers went numb.

the callmecarson wants to call me. the man with two and a half million youtube subs wants to call me.

milo.jpg: oh my gosh of course !! my tag is mibeck#1267

callmecarson_yt: did it work?

a discord notifcation popped up on my screen. clicking it, i saw an incoming friend request from carson. i accepted, and messaged back to let him know it was all set.

milo: carson?

callmecarson: who else would it be?

oh god what if i annoyed him? did i manage to make a bad first impression already?

to make life easier, i logged back onto my desktop to talk to him. before i knew it, i had an incoming call.

"hey!!" i answered, trying to sound as friendly as possible.

"hey, milo. how are you?" his voice was instantly recognizable.

"uh, i'm fine. more curious, actually. what about you?" my heartbeat nearly seemed to drown him out.

"i'm good, i'm good. why curious?" well, why the hell does he think i'm curious?

"it's not every day that i get a dm from the callmecarson. i'm, like, literally one-fiftieth of your size." mental math, don't fail me now.

he gave an earnest laugh, "that's fair. actually, a few of us over at lunch club were curious if you'd like to do a couple streams with us?"

i choked on my own spit, earning another laugh from the famous blonde.

"oh my gosh, yes! i'd love to it'd be such an honor!" i cut myself off from adding any more. "why me, though? if you don't mind me asking."

in the moments before his answer, i prayed to whatever's out there that i didn't manage to offend him.

"honestly? someone stumbled across one of your 'stream highlights' videos and we really think you'd fit in, if that makes sense? so a few of us talked about it and we figured 'why not?'"

the sincerity was somewhat shocking to hear from someone like him. of couse, he doesn't act like his online persona in regular life, but for some reason i never really thought of him as a real person.

"i would love to! this is so exciting," letting out an excited giggle, i could feel my nerves easing.

"awesome, i'm so glad," he said. "i'll shoot you over a server invite in a little bit, and we can figure out a time to all call so you can meet everyone. how does that sound?"

he could probably sense the giddiness in my response. "that sounds fantastic! thank you so much this is so exciting," my cheeks hurt from smiling.

"i have some work to do, but it's great that this all worked out. it was nice to meet you," carson started to end the conversation.

"you too! have a nice night!"

"you too, goodnight." he ended the call.

for a couple minutes, i just sat there in shock. i have an opportunity to meet all of lunchclub. and i can stream with them. this is so unreal.

i decided to phone my brother, he should know about this, this is huge. he's been my number one supporter since i started my twitch and youtube channels in highschool.

"hello?" his familiar voice sounded.

"sawyerijusttalkedtocallmecarsonandheinvitedmetostreamwithhimandlunchclubohmygod" everything came out at once, my words toppling over eachother.

he laughed, "again, but slower. don't go having an asthma attack on me, miles."

"i just talked to callmecarson and he invited me to stream with him and lunchclub, oh my god!" even saying it outloud didn't help it set in anymore.

there was a moment of silence before my brother spoke again.


"deadass, sawyer!" i huffed, "i'm not joking with you here. i'll send you screenshots!"

"bet," i honestly can't blame him for not believing me.

putting my brother on speaker, i went through and screenshotted carson and i's brief conversation and the discord call timestamp, sending them all to him.

"...you weren't kidding," sawyer sounded as shocked as i felt. "dude, this is huge for you! congrats!" i heard his smile through the call.

"i know, i think my career just got started for real now," everything is beginning to set in. i'm going to stream with one of the biggest streamers in the industry right now.

"your whole life might've just been changed in those, like, twenty minutes."

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