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the meaning behind the quotes given to each person are listed below.

if you are a FTR you may want to skip. and if not, that's fine too. it only gives information to what happened per each quote.


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"don't throw my past in my face, i know what i did"
~ Annie is the one that takes John's virginity. the scene does not take place in the story, but it happened when they were both under the influence.

"me, jealous of you? bless your delusion heart."
~ Emily believes Marigold is jealous of her, because she once had a thing with Johnny. In reality, it's the other way around.

"person: how are you?
me: i literally have no idea"
~ This is Mandla's life in a nutshell. He's either laid back, or all over the place in any chapter that contains him.

"parents: your room is a mess
me: you should see my life"
~ Johnny and Marigold's relationship is the biggest obstacle on how his life was a mess. He doesn't want to love her, but can't help it in the end.

"myyyy heartttt hurtttssss and i wanna ccryyyyyy but lol gang gang"
~ Hayden always flirts with Mari just to be shot down, then ends up having a thing for Annie.

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