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"fucking hell! they messed up my order again! i swear, they can never get it right! honestly! how do you mess up nachos with cheese on the SIDE!" mandla screamed, alerting the attention of many people near us.

"mandla, sit down and chill. it's just nachos" mandla sat down across from me and annie and angrily ate the nachos he paid for, for a third time.

as he went on and on about how he was planning to sue the bowling rink, i completely zoned out.

mostly because there were way better things i could focus my attention on.

like johnny. walking into the building with hayden.

i'll admit, i had to stretch my neck a little in order to see him enter, but it was worth it. he looked so good walking in with the wind blowing his hair.

shit. i told myself no and here i am. thinking about his good looks. fucking hell.

"mari. mars? hello!" annie screamed into my ear after several attempts to break me out my trance. "huh?"

"what the hell are you looking at? you straight up ignored me."

"sorry. what were you saying?" she waved me off and pointed in the direction i was once looking. "it doesn't matter anymore, the boys are here and you're up first"

okay mars, don't freak out. it's literally just johnny. the guy you've spent half your life with. he knows everything about you and it shouldn't be weird after what you two have done.

or should it?

it's whatever. the past is the past and i really enjoyed myself too.


i had said nothing to johnny for the past hour. it seemed as if he was avoiding me. i couldn't figure out why and i couldn't say anything about it cause i haven't told anyone yet.

i tell mandla and annie everything, but here i am keeping my sexcapade adventures a secret.

which i guess..kind of makes sense.

but in this case, i need to get it off my chest.

"hayden, you're up" johnny said laughing after almost tripping. hayden stood up and caught johnny, pushing him over to the couch mandla was sitting on.

shit. i can't take this anymore.


mAri added mandLA and annE to
keep your fucking mouths shut😔

i have to tell you
guys something

bitch. we're sitting
right next to u

i can't say it out

shit. what'd u do?

okay. DONT react
or look near johnny

okay. we won't.
just spill

i slept with johnny
last night

then kissed him when
he was heading out

and i fucking
liked it😔


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