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johnny woke up to his arms interlacing the girl below him. he cursed to himself realizing that he wasn't supposed to stay. johnny heard the front door open and freaked.

he looked back down at mari and slowly calmed himself. she looks so beautiful while she's asleep he thought.

he kissed her forehead and felt completely awkward afterwards. why did i just do that?

johnny rushed from her bed, collecting his clothes to put on.

with his shoes in hand he looked back at marigold sleeping. a feeling he was unfamiliar with crept up his throat.

opening her door slowly, trying not to wake her, he stepped out her room. to his surprise, meeting elaine at the end of the hallway. "seriously? again johnny?"

"i'm sorry ms. stixx. i know i said i wouldn't play with her feelings, but i honestly didn't think there would be a next time"

elaine laughed strangely. "you teenagers are so weird" she then walked down to mari's room and opened her door, seeing her clothes laid on the floor, her suspicions were confirmed.

"marigold! wake up! you have school in an hour!" mari's eyes slowly opened and stared at her mother.

"really mom? this is unnecessary" she yawned afterwards, wanting to close her eyes and go back to sleep.

"when lori and i leave the house, make sure to tell us when you have company. please and thank you" elaine walked to her room and left mari in hers.

"goodbye johnny" elaine said to him, indicating that he should leave now.

"johnny, come here" mari called from her door, with a cover draped over her. "i gotta go. what's up?"

"you just look so good right now" she bit her lip then kissed him, closing her bedroom door back and leaving johnny completely speechless.


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