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ok. so what's up?

so i drank a little
but it's nothing.

but if i do start to
say weird things,
i apologize

okay papi

stop doing that mars


it'll just make me want
you more

that's not bad on my
side john

i know. i just-

never mind.

i was just feeling

and when i feel shitty
i feel lonely

so i needed to speak to

and hayden wasn't
an option?

not that i'm complaining
i love talking to you

you know how he is
he always needs his
beauty sleep or whatever

and plus. you're always up
and welcomed to talk to me

so what do we talk about?

i mean. i've got loads
but i want to make sure
you're comfortable

oh. i'm veryyy

and that means?

i like listening to
the sound of your
voice mars


i like when you wear
my sweatshirt's when
you get cold in school

and then everyone ask's
me if we're dating

and then i tell them no
because i'm an idiot

am i dreaming right now?

i like when you smile
after i tell you to stop
doing something

it's the most cutest
thing in the world

i like when we sleep

and really just..sleep

i wish..i could call you m—


yes bebe?

tell me honestly.

do you have feelings
for me?

uh, yeah. i think so.
i'm not sure.

the alcohol?


you? do you have
feelings for me?

i'll hold my answer
until you're sober

then i'll sober up
right now.

for you.

i'd do anything for you

i know john. you've told
me before

can you come to
my house mars?

i really need you.

like bad bad.

i'm feelings things and
only you can help them


you're drunk

you don't even know
what you're saying

yes i do. and i need you

i need you on top of me

i need you—

relax j. i'll be there

i'll just tell my mom first

but..can you stay on
the phone while you drive?

of course j

10 minutes later

you almost here?


are you that impatient?

and you guys call
me clingy

like you said. i'm drunk

but of course i want you.
i always have.


are you serious?

uh, yuh.

i'm pretty convinced it's
the alcohol talking

you'd never say that
to me

because i didn't feel
this way before

because you're with
me now in ways i'd
never imagine

and hell, i fucking

i'm hoping so badly
that it's the truth

of course it is mars.
i'd never lie to you

what do you think
of me?

what do you mean?

when we're in bed together

do you want to be something

i-i..don't know. maybe

god. you're not sober
enough for this conversation

and i really need you to be

i just want to squeeze

i want to lick your neck
and your thighs

i want to smell your hair

i want to leave love bites
all over your skin so the entire
world can see

i want to hear you scream my
name when we're together

i want to dance with you

i want to stare into your eyes
until the end of time—


i'm here

upstairs. now.


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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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