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I awaken just as we pull up into the driveway of a small, rural house on a sparsely populated road. Relatively remote and isolated, surrounded by nature and far from the busy city. Perfect for hiding out from Team Rocket it would seem.

"Welcome to Oldale Town, guys. Our own little slice of paradise." Jackson says cheerfully.

"Certainly looks the part." I reply with a yawn.

I've never seen a house like that before." Thunder muses. "Why are the walls grooved like that?"

"The sidings? To protect the walls from the elements, I think? Never thought much about it, personally."

"Why would the walls need protecting? Keeping out the elements is their job."

"I think it makes the house last longer."

"Well I think it looks kinda stupid."

The car's engine goes silent and Jackson steps out, walking around to my side to help lend me a hand. With effort I open the door and get to my feet, leaning on him for support. Thunder and Growlithe are not far behind. As we get reach the front door I start to notice a commotion coming from inside. Voices yelling to each other. One in English, the other in Pokespeak. Specifically an Eevee dialect. Though what they're actually saying I can't really tell.

"Oh no..." Jackson mutters quietly. "Not again, Shadow..."

"Shadow?" I ask. He doesn't respond. Instead he simply opens the door to reveal a room in chaos. An Eevee is leaping around, weaving between the living room furniture with grace and recklessness in equal measure. Lagging behind her is a child. A boy no older than 12. The Eevee is practically running circles around him as he desperately tries to catch her. 

"Can't catch me, Josh!" She yips playfully. "I'm too fast for ya!" 

"Just slow down!" Josh pants. "You're gonna break something!"

"Come on, slowpoke! You can do better than that!" Jackson helps prop myself up against the wall as he goes to deal with whatever the heck is going on here. 

"Josh, go get her ball." He urges. Josh nods in understanding and dashes off down the hall. Meanwhile Jackson attempts to block the rampaging Eevee's path by stepping in front of her and blocking her with his body, with an amusingly unsuccessful result as she simply squeezes through his legs. 

"Yay! Dad's joined in on the fun!"  She stops for a moment in a play bow position, her tail swishing lazily back and forth behind her as she seems to almost dare Jackson to grab her. He starts trying to slowly close the gap between them, not wanting to risking her zooming off again.

"Should we help him or..." Thunder muses.

"Be my guest." I reply. Immediately Shadow turns to face me, a look of confusion etched into her face. 

"Wait, was that you that just said-" She began before being cut off by Jackson pouncing on her, locking her in his arms. "Oh, you sneaky human! Not gonna be that easy!" She starts to squirm in his grip, forcing him to fight to keep a hold on the hyperactive ball of brown fur. 

Josh re-enters the room holding a red and while sphere like the ones in the facility. I tense up, readying myself to grab Thunder and Growlithe and get out if I need to. Thunder takes a defensive position, growling angrily as sparks fly from his cheeks. Shadow, barely still in Jackson's hold, takes one look at the sphere and in an instant her hyperactive attitude is replaced with disappointment. 

"Aw, no fair!" She pouts. "That's cheating! Why do you have to kill the fun in every-" Her complaints are silenced as the blue energy from the sphere takes hold and draws her in. With a click the deed is done and the Eevee has vanished without a trace. Josh looks at us, confused. 

Pokémar Episode V, A Clone's DestinyWhere stories live. Discover now