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A/N: If you are sensitive to topics on abuse I'd suggest you skip past the first paragraph and so on


I stood there in shock while Todd was greeting Harry. I thought by now I'd be used to seeing him, but every time I did she felt like she was suffocating. All the terrible memories flooding my brain. I remembered the first time he hit her me. I was staying over at his apartment. We'd been dating for a month and one night he went out for drinks with his friends. He came back home at 3 in the morning and I was waiting up for him. When he walked in I immediately aided to him. I wasn't used to this behavior from him, we were still in the honeymoon stage. He hadn't even met my family yet.

That's when my phone dinged. Todd grabbed my phone and saw an unknown number that read. 'Hey save my number so we can hang out'. He went off like a mad man. I tried to explain but he didn't listen. He left a bruise on my eye and my legs. After all the abuse I had endured I cried in the corner too scared to move.

Once Todd passed out I limped into the bed and cried more. What Todd didn't know was that message was from my little Brother Kai. He had gotten a new number and I told him to text me so I could save it. The following month I found out my mom had cancer, and Todd came to the house to give his condolences. And that's how I became putty in Todd's hands. I was sad and He was there. Maybe I can change him I thought at that time.



He went to grab for her hands but quickly jumped at his advance. That was odd."How you been Jen" He asked. She looked to her feet not saying a word. "Fine" was all she said. "I'm her ex, I guess it's still weird seeing each other. I mean this is the bar we met at" Todd stated. I looked back at a uneasy Jenny. I finally put two and two together He spoke again " She was just here with her friend, Harper". " Oh okay, well it was nice meeting you but I need drink". I chuckled.

He looked back at Jenny before walking back over to a table of people. "So that's the ex" I said looking back at him. "Yep" She gestured the bartender over. "Can I have 2 shot's of vodka". I was shocked by her drink of choice. "So your a vodka girl" I had a big grin plastered on my face. She rolled her eyes and ingested the drink. "So he seems like a good guy". She rolled her eyes and took the other shot that was originally for me. I didn't mind. "He was a good guy until he started abusing me" Jenny chuckled to herself. "Did he put that bruise on your wrist"? I said slightly getting louder. She didn't respond. I stood up already knowing the answer.

I felt her warm hand grab on to my arm. Her eyes were beginning to tear up. "Please don't". Her sad state calmed me down. Reluctantly I sat back down and looked at Jenny to continue talking. But she didn't she ordered more drinks. Every time I tried to take her drink she'd get upset and angry. I didn't know what to do. I looked back over to him. He was drinking with other people. It wasn't fair that Jenny was the one hurting and he was living his best life. I want to pound his face in. Jenny had her head on the counter. I had a decision to make. Pound Todd's face in the ground and most likely go to jail or take Jenny home.

I grabbed her phone to find a address. I found a number that she calls frequently. Harper. I texted her what happened. A few minutes later She sent and address. I looked at Jenny's vulnerable state. I gained consciousness and started to walk on her own, I was helping her of course. As we left out the town car was still there.When we arrived to Harper and Jenny's apartment I realized how far she really lived. Plus she had to take the bus.I got Jenny inside and went in the elevator.

She had her head leaning on my arm, leaning on him. Her head must be spinning. "This is why I don't drink" Jenny mumbled. I laughed at her slurred speech. We reached the 6th floor and made it to the right apartment. Jenny banged on the door. "Harper it's meee". "Jenny people are sleeping" Harry scolded. A few seconds later Harper opened the door wide-eyed. Harper helped me bring in Jenny and got her into bed. We both went back into the living room.

"What happened to her? She never gets this drunk" Harper interrogated. "She was a bit uneasy after she saw her ex".She sighed and sat on the couch, me as well. "He should've just stayed away" Harper whispered. I heard her though. "If you don't mind me asking what happened to her". I was so concerned for Jenny. I just wanted to protect her but first I needed to know what I was up against

"Sorry it's not my story to tell. If she feels like she can trust you then she'll tell you herself" She said. "I totally understand". I reassured. I started to head out when Harper stopped him. "Wait". I turned back around. "Can you just keep an eye on her. She tends to act okay when in reality she's not". She was also worried for her friend."Of course". With that I headed out and was on my way home.

If you are being abused and you want to seek help contact 1-800-799-7233. You are not alone. My messages are always open :).


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