Platform 9 3/4

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Cassandra waited at the King's Cross with her mum and brother.
She knew how to get to platform 9 3/4 but she was a bit nervous about leaving her mum behind in the muggles world all alone. Her brother worked in Egypt, he was currently in a employee exchange for a bank her worked in, mum knew but she never told her about it and for very odd reasons Cassandra never bothered to ask.
Five years ago Cassandra and her family moved to London in the hope that she would be accepted into a school for gifted children but she had no luck. Despite being an excellent student she failed to get admission into a school for elite kids called, "St. Catherine's Institue for Gifted Children." The named always sounded odd to her but her mum was very hopeful that she would be accepted there when she turned eleven but when it did not happen her mum let her join a private school here in London instead as it seemed most convenient.
But surprisingly right before her sixteenth birthday in the month of March, Cassandra recieved a letter in the mail. A very odd letter that was enclosed in a parchment envelop and at the back written in green ink was written the most oddest address.

Miss C. White
4th Magnussen Street
Kengsinton, London
At room in the attic.

Upon turning the letter Cassadra noticed that it was sealed in wax with the imprint of something that looked like a court of arms. The imprints held what looked like a badger; a lion; a snake; and a raven and in the middle was an ornately lettered 'H' How could the sender ever have know that Cassandra's room was the attic which she chose strictly on the basis that she could climb out the window and sit on the roof and star-gaze on a prefectly clear night.
The contents of the letter were definitely bizzare. It said that Cassandra had been accepted into a school of witchcraft and wizardry.

Dear Miss Cassandra White,
We are please to inform you that you have neen accepted at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The academic term begins from 1st September and you are hereby reue4sted to send in you reply by July 31st.

Deputy Headmaster,
Professor Filtwick.

What was more odd was that the very next day a man in grey robes came to visit them with another letter form the Headmistress of a school named Hogwarts.
She mum for odd reasons did not seem to be shocked. On the contrary she invited the oddly dressed man into her house eager to discuss about her being accepted into Hogwarts.
The man explained all about the school called Hogwarts and their magic world. He had introduced himself as Professor Neville Longbottom. Cassandra being sixteen was not longer entranced with stories about wizards and witches. Initially she thought it was some prank played by her mum and brother, but we Professor Longbottom further  explained that she would have to go to Hogwarts early considering her situation in order for her to catch up did she feel that she was being played with. She at once refused. Professor Longbottom did not stir he seemed to have expected this reaction and said the he himself would be taking her there in a matter of three week time. Cassandra mother, Victoria did not seemed surprised as if she had been expectig this news all this time but she did not grasp the situation as she knew that they were what Professor Longbottom considered muggles. None of his family members had magic so why was there so little reaction from her mother.
Cassandra had not clue whatsoever but nevertheless she packed her bag with some clothes and her books that she had to buy from Diagon Alley where Professor Longbottom had again acccompanied her. There was a list of things that she would need in the letter that Professor Longbottom had brought with him. But the list was unusually long. Apparently she had to buy books of all year till the fifth year, so Professor Longbottom suggested that she by second hand books as they would cost much less but serve the purpose nevertheless. She even had to buy a cauldron (pewter) and a wand. It took Mr. Ollivander a long time to find her wand match. Mr. Ollivander, as Professor Longbottom had saod was the best wand-maker in the entire world. Her wand was Maple wood with a unicorn core, 10 3/4" (ten and three-quater inches) and supple flexibility. Cassandra seemed to like her wand a lot. She also bought a screech owl which seemed most friendly to her but according to Professor Longbottom was a bit scary.
Later when Professor Longbottom dropped her home he said that within three weeks time her would send her a letter stating the time and place of their rendezvous. He also mentioned that they would need to take the KnightBus or the Thestral carriage but if possible he would request Professor Mcgonagall to send a thestral carriage.
Cassandra wondered what were thestrals and made a mental note that she would ask Professor Longbottom about thestrals.
True to his word Professor Longbottom sent Cassandra a letter through her owl, who she had named Edmon. Edmon sat perched on his cage while Cassandra letter her letter. Professor Longbottom informed her that Headmistress Professor Mcgonagall had successfully requested a thestral carriage.
It suddenly seemed all real to Cassandra she was indeed going to Hogwarts. She was really a witch. After weeks did her heart make a sudden leap of joy, something she had never felt before. When Professor Longbottom arrived in a thestral carriage at the dead of night Cassadra was excited to see what thestrals looked like but only saw the carriage. Professor Longbottom got out to help her with her luggage and she couldn't help but ask, "Uh...Professor? There are no thestrals. Is the carriage pulling itself?"
Professor Longbottom chuckled and replied, "No you can't see the yet. And the word is flying. We are flying to Hogwarts in theses carriages.
Cassandra's jaw fell open, they indeed did fly to Hogwarts because as soon as she and Professor Longbottom had settled inside the carriage it took of into the night sky. She was totally amazed and knew that she had a lot to learn about the world that she belong in now.
During her stay at Hogwarts for the month of June, July and August, Cassandra spent most of her time learning from Professor Mcgonagall and if she had any free time she would spen it reading books in the library trying her best to know more about the wizarding world. Thankfully after three months of intense training she caught up, Professor Mcgonagall later told her that she would be taking her OWLs that very year in the month of January, this gave her time to prepare more throughly for her OWLS. It was, as Professor Mcgonagall had said a special arrangement and help from the Ministry that she could set up OWL dates for her. Cassandra did not wish to let the Headmistress down.


Presently, Cassandra had spent only two weeks remaining of her 'vacation'. Professor Mcgonagall allwoed her to return home to take a short break before having to cramp up for the OWLs, which Cassandra was more than grateful for.
She stood there nervously and bid farewell to her mum and brother.
"You have to go through that stone wall?" She asked, she was not very sure that would work, but apparently Professor Mcgonagall had sent her a letter with the ticket to the train to Hogwarts and instruction as to how to get to the train platform. And it clearly stated that she had to walk through the wall of platform nine and ten to reach platform 9 3/4.
"Yes" she replied nervously. She turned and hug her mum and brother one last time
Cassandra was afraid she would end up hitting the wall. She stood there for a while clearly gatherinb courage to walk through what looked like solid wall. She thought it would be best if she ran. If it were a hard wall she would be knocked out straight and save herself the embarrassment. She clutched her luggage and made a dash for it. She was waiting for a crash but it did not happen. She walked through the wall into platform 9 3/4. She stood there for a while mystified.  The red engine train bellowed steam like a beast. She wondered why Hogwarts still used steam engine when there was bullet trains and tube trains that were perhaps much faster. She walked along the platform in awe. Parent and children were saying their 'goodbyes'. And the platform was filled with paper birds flying and owls screeching. She was nervous and wished her mum come accompy her at the platform like the other parent and their children. Cassandra maybe sixteen and almost of age in the wizarding world but she was still new to this she hope that she had someone with her now, shomeone trustworthy like family as she departed for this strange new world. She entered the train and found herself an empty compartment she place her luggage securely above the seat and sat there near the window hoping that she would be able to get along at Hogwarts well.

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