Stone Hut (continued)

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After breakfast, Cassandra returned back to her table. They were to receive their routine classes individually from the head of their House as announced by the Headmistress.

Professor Longbottom went about handing the timetable to the students, he first finished up with till the fifth years and then the seventh year students, the sixth years sat in the hall waiting as he had to see their OWL results and then hand in their timetables. He walked up to Rose and said, "Well Miss Granger-Weasley your results seem perfect I am sure you will get your choice of classes without any problem." He smiled and handed her her timetable. Rose's beamed with pride. She was after all at the top of her class and also received top grades in OWLs; all outstanding, second to her was Scorpius and then Albus. Rose stoop up quickly and headed to her first class which happened to be Potions. When Professor Longbottom turned to Cassandra, he said, "I am sorry Miss White but as the Headmistress said at the beginning of the term you will have to attend with the fifth years first for the next month and then you will receive your timetable for the sixth year. Cassandra did not seem all too upset she had been expecting such measures. She smiled and replied, "Yes, Professor." Professor Longbottom tapped a parchment paper with his wand and a tabular print appeared on the sheet. He handed the parchment to her and she set off to her first class that was Defense Against the Dark Arts.
She was indeed a little late to her class. Upon reaching she heard Professor Bones already introducing someone to the students. She hurried in, "Sorry Professor I am late." She said a little embarrassed. Professor Bones looked at her and nodded she knew that her timetable was a little different and did not say much, "It's alright Miss White. Please take your seat the class is about to start and do be careful next time." Cassandra let out a sigh and looked around the benches for a seat. She saw Lily waving at her and gesturing to sit beside her. She walked up to her and sat down quickly.  "You were late. I saved you a seat." Lily whispered and smiled warmly. "Thanks," Cassandra whispered back. Professor Bones cleared her throat to get the class to pay attention to what she had been saying before Cassandra walked in late.

"Today as per the study module for fifth years set by the Headmistress you will have a guest lecturer to give you lessons on Defense Against the Dark Arts twice a month every alternative month. I hope you make the best use of this opportunity and learn as much as you can." She paused for a moment and then continued. "Please welcome today's guest lecturer Mr Harry Potter." The class burst into loud applause. Cassandra was a little taken aback. She did not expect the famous Harry Potter to be their teacher for today. Her eyes quickly went up to the bolt-shaped scar on his forehead. She looked at him with awe and clapped her hands. Lily too was clapping her hands and beaming. Cassandra looked at her and asked in a whisper, "Is it weird for you? I mean you Dad teaching?" Lily shrugged and said, "I really don't mind. Albus was kinda embarrassed and James was a little irked about it at first but they too eased up. Dad's a good teacher." She explained still in whispers. Suddenly the class fell silent and Professor Bones spoke up, "Miss White, you will also be attending this lecture as I am sure it will help you. As for the homework I want you to visit me later during office hours." Cassandra blushed at the sudden address but nodded and said, "Yes, Professor." For a moment she felt Harry Potter look at her with an odd expression, she shook her head, Surely he was looking at his daughter sitting beside her. How could Harry Potter possibly ever know who she was? She thought.

"Alright, Mr Potter you can take over from here." She gestured the man standing beside her. He gave a curt nod and stood in front of the desk, he had his wand in his hand and began to speak, "Hello, as you all know I, and Mr Weasley often come here to give guest lectures to the fifth year students. As you may have heard most of your teacher say that this is a very important year, I also want you to remember it is very dangerous as well. Since you all will be preparing for your NEWTs after this I hope that you all learn in the best way possible. There is no such thing as 'risk-free' and Defend Against the Dark Arts is indeed a dangerous subject but you all will learn to protect yourself as well as your friends through these lessons so I hope you all will take it seriously." The class was listening with rapt attention and as he finished speaking he asked them to take out their wands as he would teach them about disarmament charm.

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