twenty four

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Yerim laid on her stomach, her hand grabbing it tight. She groaned silently, twisting around the bed sheets until she's on her back, knees to her chest. The bedroom door opens, and Jaehyun chuckled seeing her as he walks in.

"First day?" she nodded pouting. He takes off his office suite and goes into the bathroom, taking out a hot water bag. He goes back out, to the kitchen, and boils some water before bringing it back to Yerim. "Here we go." he makes her lay flat and places the bag on her lower abdomen, stroking her hair with his free hand.

Yerim smiled weakly, moving closer to him. "Thank you." she says softly. Jaehyun smiled and lays down beside her, and pulls her closer so his head was on her arm while he traced patterns on her bare tummy. After a while, he fell asleep, tired from work since it was late at night.

Yerim patted his cheek as he fell asleep, and stared into space since sleep for her was hard to get with an aching abdomen. She sighed and got up feeling a little better, and decided to eat something, then take some painkillers. (a/n: before some of you tell me, yes I know a lot of people say you shouldn't take painkillers during this time. but honestly it's better than surviving the pain for three days)

Once she took the medicine, she sat in their extra bedroom where she was sowing her father in law's new suite herself. She decided to make it blue, since that was his favourite colour apparently, and even added small details like his name in crystals on the collar. Her only worry was whether he'd like it or not. It was her own fresh design, and it felt very close to her heart.

The door opened, and she saw a sleepy Jaehyun walk in rubbing his eyes with a pout. "Why'd you leave me?" he asked like a child. Yerim could only chuckle as he came closer and kissed her.

"I'm just working on this. Go to bed, I'll come."

Jaehyun instead laid on the single bed they kept in the room, and watched her go back to work, slowly falling back asleep. Yerim snickered shaking her head and continued working on the suite.

After about two hours, she decided it was enough as her hands and back ached. She got up stretching her body and turned to get Jaehyun, shaking him gently.

"Mm..." Jaehyun grumbled, refusing to get up. Yerim sighed, and simply got under the blanket next to him. Jaehyun's arm automatically wrapped around her, pulling her close as possible to his body, as if gluing her to himself. She smiled as her back stuck to his chest, and put her hand over his on her torso, intertwining their fingers as she soon fell asleep.


Three weeks later...

"Jaehyun." Yerim called in a cold tone. But by the looks of it, it was obvious her husband was just as confused as she was. He looked at her, mouth open, unable to say anything.

"I... He said family dinner... What the..."

It was clear the old man didn't keep his word of a simple family dinner as the couple parked in front of a grand hall with hundreds of people. People all came in suits in dresses, obviously people his father knew through business.

Jaehyun sighed in distress, causing Yerim to chuckle. She took his hand and tugged him. "Come on. Not like we can do anything now. Might as well go inside." she shrugged. Jaehyun gave a tired smile as the two finally left the car and walked in. He held the bag with gifts for his father while Yerim used her hand to hold up her dress.

There were some paparazzi around the entrance, but Jaehyun skillfully dodged them, making sure his wife was protected and got inside to the main party zone where he knew his father would be

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There were some paparazzi around the entrance, but Jaehyun skillfully dodged them, making sure his wife was protected and got inside to the main party zone where he knew his father would be.

And he was right. Jaehyun approached him with a frown. "Dad you said family dinner!" he complained like a child. The elderly man simply laughed and shrugged his shoulders.

"I can't help be a in big business Jaehyun. Everyone pushed me into turning it into a grand party, so why not." he smiled as his son grunted, then turned to see his daughter in law. Yerim smiled and bowed. "Ah Yerim, how have you been sweetheart?"

"Great, dad." she called him much to her own shock. "I made you a suite, blue. My own design, I hope you love it." she passed him the gift bag, which he opened, and wore the suite right away laughing with delight.

"I love it!" he exclaimed, then turned to Yerim hugging her. "I knew you were the right one when Jaehyun married you. You make him so happy, I can just see it during meetings."

"Really?" Yerim cocked an eyebrow at her husband, then turned back to Mr Jung. "How so dad?"

"Well, for one I've never seen him so uptight to work even harder. When I asked why he always said its for you. He even clears off his work schedules clean and perfect just to go home early to you. Really productive if I do say so myself."

Jaehyun coughed nervously turning away as both his father and wife laughed. He quickly took her hand and pulled her. "That's enough before you say anymore secrets."

Mr Jung laughed motioning them away. "We'll still be having that family dinner, after this. So don't go anywhere."

The couple nodded and left him to talk with other guests. Jaehyun found a quiet balcony at one side, and took Yerim there, catching two glasses of wine on the way. He leaned her against the railing and gave her one as he sipped on the other, resting his free hand against the railing behind her.

"You know, people are going to think we're doing weird things from an angle if we stay like this." Yerim giggled. Jaehyun smirked, leaning down to steal a kiss.

"Is it wrong to have some privacy with my wife?"

"What privacy? We're out in the open silly."

Jaehyun chuckled as he kept their faces close, playfully kissing her or running his nose along her face affectionately.

While they played along, Mr Jung saw them and smiled, when someone came up to him all of a sudden.

"Mr Jung, I'd like to meet your son. You know for our future collaboration with the Jung Hotel and Resort."


Guys if anything seems off like the timings or stuff, let me know cuz I haven't proof read this...

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