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huang renjun. he was never considered a quiet and introverted guy, well until now.. he kept all his opinions and things he had always wanted to say to himself, he could care less about society anymore. there wasn't a real back meaning behind his secretive self but, he claims he's just tired of seeing how fake everyone has become.

those who have previously known him were shocked too. the once judgemental and bubbly boy turned into a silent mess. who would've known what was going through his mind during these moments?

somehow after summer break, he changed into a totally different person. everyone grew suspicious of course. he had always been the type of person to not even care about what other people thought of him and his words. now he can't even bring himself to look at someone for even the shortest period of time.

his friends? you could blame them for this too. they all dropped him because they found him too 'self centred'. he soon had this mindset that everyone else found him like this, which wasn't true.

the poor boy looked at himself at such a negative angle to the point where you could even say he's exhausted just by breathing. he even states he doesn't even find a motive in living anymore. maybe if i just stopped being so annoying.. others might like me. or maybe if i became more attractive, skinny? yes, skipping meals and just drinking water is all i need. and anyways, it's not like society even cares about what your personality is, they're just there for the looks and popularity.

oh god, someone help this poor boy. he doesn't even know how much value he's worth in this world. if only there was someone to help- no, save him.

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