Chpt 5. suprise girl (MEGA FLUFF)

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  Lily's POV

It's been a year now, since she first came to stay with us, and man I don't know how long I can hide that I like her, she will probably think I'm gross if I tell, but anyways it's Christmas Eve today and we are still setting things up, god it's been weeks and we still aren't done! I should've known my mom would go all out, anyways I'm working on the fireplace, mom wanted me to hang up a ginger bread man plush, but I'm allready up here and I need nails "hey keena I need some nails can you come pass them to me?!" I yell for keena, since she's in the other room, she comes in and smiles "okay you don't have to yell!" She climbs up on the fireplace next to me and pulls me down "what?" I ask, "nothing I just didn't want you to drop any nails, c-cause then we w-would lose them a-and we might step on t-them and get hurt and.... and..." she said seemingly nervous and she was red as a tomato "why did you really make me come dow-" she cuts me off

With a kiss

We sit there for a moment, just enjoying what's happening, then she pulls away "IM SO SORRY I-I DONT KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING ILL JUST GO-" I grab her arm and smiled "I'm guessing you like me?" I ask and she somehow gets redder "y-yeah" she says looking down, I smile "me too, goof" I say as I lift her chin to look at me "I actually love you if I were to talk in literal terms" I say almost slyly but I really am freaking out, not on the outside though. "R-really?! I-I thought you would think im w-weird or disgusting o-or -or-" I cut her off with  a kiss "no, I like girls, your the opposite of gross to me" I smile and stand back up on the fireplace "well, I still need those nails!" I say, she pouts "but I wanna hang out!" She whines "we can hang out after I hang this!" I smiled and she hands me some nails, I finish pinning it up and I walk to my room, holding her hand, I'm not worried about my mom seeing me, I can tell she knew since keena first moved in, but what I didn't expect was a stupid misiletoe, god mom thats messed up i look at her, and she looks at me, i smile and we kiss again, but more passionately and longer, once we separate I run into the room holding her hand and put on a movie and sit down, she sits next to me but I pick her up and sit her in my lap and cuddled her, if this is a dream, don't wake me up she starts falling asleep so I turn down the tv and turn off the lights and lay down with her holding her, she's so warm, and small, and adorable, ugh I can't she's too perfect! I'm woken by the sound of my mom opening the door, followed by small giggles then the door closing again, mom you dumbass, heh
Then I finally fall asleep.

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Keena's pov

I wake up,cuddling lily...CUDDLING LILY! OMG OMG OMG I try not to squeal in excitement instead I slowly get up, making sure I don't wake her, and head to the bathroom to wash my face and I feel a hand on my shoulder and imedietly jump back "no worries hun it's just me! Just want you two to know I planned you two a date" a-a date? Abskebwjshoshsush "o-oh thank you!" I say kindly, she leaves and i continue washing my face and I think about what happened last night, I kissed lily Rivera, omg I kept thinking about it until lily comes in "g'morning" she says and goes to the other sink  to brush her teeth "and yes I remember you kissing me and me kissing you, it's fine," she said, woah, it's like she read my mind- "h-hey, your mom said she set us up on-" she cuts me off "a date?" She says smirking, "I know my mom, that's something she would do, I'm not getting in a dress though, it's uncomfy-" I cut her off with a kiss "shhhh, you talk a lot just get ready" I smile, she smiles back and heads to get dressed, I finish cleaning myself up and go to get dress aswell but accidentally walk in on her only in her under clothes "AA SORRY!" I slam the door shut, embarrassed, i creek the door open after a couple mins "y-you done?" I ask but I get no response and I don't see her, I open the door completely and I still don't see her, until I look to the door and she tackles me and kisses me "stop being so cute! I'm going to implode!" She yells playfully and I laugh "awww I'm cute to you?" I ask sweetly and she kisses my cheek "no duh" she chuckled and gets off of me and leaves the room, i change into a no sleeve shirt, ankle high jeans and sneakers, I hope she likes it... I step out and she quickly hugs me "EEP!" I squeal, she scared me >:T "hehe now that I know I can scare you I constantly wiiiil!" She teased as we walked to the door and left, we checked what her mom had planned for us Olive Garden, nice i call us an uber and we arrive tp the Olive Garden shortly and run inside, "we would like to have a seat close to the bar please" lily says politely then the man looks her up and down "can I see your i-" he says but lily cuts him off by slamming her id on the counter "I think we're allowed to," she growls and the man lets us through, I giggle " to be honest you scared me too" I say softly and she quickly pulls me to our booth "wait really?! You know I would never hurt you right? I didn't mean to scare you, I just didn't want to deal with hi-" I cut her off with a kiss "I was kidding, goof" I giggle and she laughs sheepishly,

We order and finish our food but not before lily has a couple drinks oh no- lily is running around laughing and yelling, I wanna laugh but I'm Mature! I start laughing anyways- "HEY EVERYONE GUESSS WHAAATT- IM GAY AND I LOVE HERRRRR!" She points at me and I go red, I'm getting disgusted looks and glares, I grab lily and run out "lily what are you doing?! What if someone was homophobic!" I say "I'm homophobicphobic!" She said sliding her words, how many drinks did she even have? Oh well, I take her to the sidewalk and order an Uber, we get in the Uber and she's laughing the whole way- WHAT IF HER MOM SEES HER DRUNK- I mean she couldn't get that mad- right? Oh god nooooo I'll have to sneak her inside-

We get to the house, pay the Uber, and I pull her to the back door and we sneak in, we make it upstairs without her mom noticing, I lay her down and she quickly falls asleep, I sit next to her "she's so cute, and beautiful,and kind, and-" I'm cut off by ms.rivera "and drunk?" She says holding back a laugh, I quickly turn around "o-oh! Ms.rivera I uh- shes just- well actually- no what really happened was- actually-" I stutter not knowing what to say "it's fine honey, i don't have to worry about her because she has an amazing young woman to help her" she smiles kindly that's where she gets her smile from "r-really? Thank you!" I smile back and after she leaves I eventually fall asleep

WOAH THIS IS THE LONGEST IVE EVER DONE- 1381 WORDS- jsnsjeheidvsidbsohd But I won't be writing for a while cause my grandpa died just last night and I need some time off, sorry guys! Illya💕

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