Chpt.13 new dude?!

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Kenna's pov

Shit shit shit shit shit shit SHIT!, I fucked up, I fucked up bad, god WHY, I walk in circles, I almost killed both of them! They fucking hate me now!!

"You'd better behave"

His words pop into my head,

Am I like him now?

Flashback (kenna's/bliss's pov 9yrs old)

"Honey we're going to your uncles house! You've never met him before!" My mom says excitedly, "what's his name?" I ask, "Jhon, but he likes being called Garfield!" She says giggling, I laugh and pack, since we are staying for the week, we head off

We get to garfield's house and I jump out, I excitedly run up to the door and knock impatiently, the door opens to show a dark haired, tall, and FAT man, he smiles and gives me a hug "I finally get to meet you!" He says happily then let's go "why didn't I ever see you before?" I ask innocently, my dad creeps up behind me and scares me before Garfield can answer, we head inside and everything is messy and it smells weird, "si- garifield, you have to clean up! Or the rats will come and eat your toes!" I say imitating a rat, he laughs "well guess what, I told the rats, 'hey! You stay away from here or I'll take all your cheese!' And they never came back!" He says happily, I'm not stupid, I know that's not true but I decide to act like I think it is "really! I'll try that when I go home!" I say happily,

We've been here for 3 days allready, it's starting to get boring but it's cool to wake up in a different place than usual, but one day I get up and Garfield is acting weird, he's not smiling and he looks mad, my mom and dad when home early since they had work but I wanted to stay and Garfield said he would stay with me, I walk to him "Mr.garfield you look mad are you oka-" I ask but he hits me in the head with a bottle, when I wake up I'm in the basement, tied to a pole, i scream for help then Garfield comes down, I try to back away from him but I can't, he gets really close to me then slaps me "good little girls keep their mouths SHUT" he yells, I nod but don't say anything, he smiles then unties me, "you know why you haven't seen me?" He asks smirking "w-why?" I ask nervously "cause I got a little girl just like you, she had pretty black hair like you, and a really cute body" he says weirdly, I try to run upstairs but he grabs me and throws me onto the floor,

I think you know what happened next

After that I was constantly abused and made to do things for him, he'd allways say "you'd better behave" when he left me unsupervised, sometimes kids would come and ask to play, I never got to say yes, he allways said I was too busy, one day I didn't call him Garfield, I just called him jhon, this made him mad, he grabbed my hair and dragged me into the backyard and started beating me with a stick form a tree, I screamed and cried, luckily it was Friday, my mom and dad heard my screams and came to rescue me, jhon went to jail again but this time it's a life sentence,

I don't like the show Garfield anymore

Present keena's pov

Oh god I'm acting just like him, what is wrong with me?! I need to go apologize...

Lily's pov

"I'm so sorry about her, she's jus over protective" I reassure shre "yeah that makes sense..." she says "hey are you okay?" I ask, she looks at me then walks closer to me "lily, I think I- I- I think I like you.." she says nervously, I go red she doesn't know me and keena are dating, before I can say anything she kisses me, I try to pull away but it's to late

Creeek "guys I have to apologize for-" keena walks in and I can see the anger in her face "k-keena I swear I don't-" I get cut off "NO! I DONT CARE! GO MAKE OUT WITH YOUR NEW GIRLFRIEND I DONT GIVE A FUCK ANYMORE!!" She screams at me "new...?" shre asks before keena storms out and slams the door "me and keena are dating" I say nervously "o-OMG IM SO SORRY!" Shre gasps and apologizes a million times, I go to my phone and try to text her


Keena can I explain?

Sure, when I'm not ready to kill you guys

Keena please

This contact has blocked you
Press here to request unblocking

I put my phone away and cry, shre tried to comfort me but I ended up telling her to leave,

Kenna's pov

I get an Uber and rush to my best friend's house Angie, i get there and run to knock on the door,

Knock knock knock


"Oh hey girl!! Haven't seen you in forever!!" He says happily then sees me tear-stained face "omg what happened?!" He asked as he took me inside, he lives in a trailer but he stays here in this area all the time, I explained everything to him and he hugged me "oh baby, it's okay, you didn't need her anyways, if she doesn't love you and only you then she doesn't need to be with you" (BABY IS A NICKNAME DONT MAKE IT WEIRD-) he soothes "but You know I'm not the type to focus on the bad stuff, that's why you came right?" He asks smiling, I nod "yes babe!! I know you but I think your starting to know me better!" He says as he goes into the kitchen, I come stand next to him "what are you making?" I ask "babe don't act stupid you know what I'm making!" He says happily "cheesecake?" I ask "cheesecake!! girl you been knew!" He says happily, after he finishes we eat and watch a movie, "I miss hanging out with you" I say softly "babe! You have no idea! I haven't had a blondie show up here in forever!" He says happily, I smile "how's feeva?" I ask "he's good, he's just so caught up with 'work'" he says sadly I lay my head on his shoulder "he'll make time for you,I'm sure he will" I say softly, "actually he did! But it's next month.." he says  "but a month is better than nothing!" He says happily, I smile and we continue watching the movie

No ones pov

"hey there's still some cheesecake if you want some-" he says trying to get up but when he notices keena laying on him he stays, he gets the blanket on the couch and covers them, then falls asleep.

Lily's pov

I've tried to call keena a million times but she blocked me on everything, snap, insta, TikTok, WhatsApp, duo, and even discord! I don't know what to do anymore, my mom comes upstairs "hun, Wheres keena?" She asks innocently "I don't know mom" I say with tears eyes, she comes to sit next to me "Whats wrong honey?" She asks "keena thinks I cheated on her with shre" I say sadly "SHRE?! YOUVE MET HER ALLREADY?! IM GOING TO KILL HER" she says angrily "you know shre?" I ask, she nods then forms a plant in her hand "we are both gilathopion" she says calmly, "shre got to me first and I had told her to wait until you guys were ready, but APPARENTLY my words mean nothing to her" she mumbled that last part, I smiled and giggled a little making her smile too "when keena realizes she misjudged you guys she'll come back, don't worry" she says hugging me, I smile and nod, "I'm gonna go to sleep" I say tiredly, my mom nods and I go upstairs, I lay down "hey keena you want the lights on or no-" I remember she's not here, I softly cry myself to sleep....

HEHHEHEHEHEHEHE I LUV TORTUING MY CHARACTERRSSSS HAHA anyways 1397 Words and HOLY HEKK YOU GUYS READ MY STUFF BUT NEVER FOLLOW MEEEE- WHYYYYY- please follow if you read my stuff thank you 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 bye byee


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