Chp. 9 gone girl (angst 🥺)

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Lily's pov

I'm woken up by the small sounds of crying, I sit up and see keena- packing? "Hey what are you doing?" I ask, she stops and looks at me, she looks like she's been crying for hours, I rush to her and hug her "baby....what's wrong..?" I ask softly and she cries and quietly as possible "I-I have to, t-they- h-he's making me," she stumbles out, I back away and look her in the eyes "your da- Jason, is m-making me l-leave..." she says quietly, no she can't leave, she won't leave, I'll make sure she doesn't I run downstairs "WHERE ARE YOU SON OF A BITCH?!" I yell for Jason, I look around and he's at the door, talking to someone, I push him out of the way "who are you" I ask, "I'm here to pick up keena Lewis" he says bluntly, I shove the man and shut the door, I turn to Jason "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!? I WONT FUCKING HESITATE TO FUCKING KILL YOU SO WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?!" I scream at him while stepping towards him as he steps away, "that little pest needs to leave my house," he snarls, I grab a knife and point it at him "pest? Your house? LAST I CHECKED YOU DONT PAY BILLS OR DO SHIT FOR THIS FAMILY SO YOU CAN LEAVE AND GO FUCK YOURSELF!!" I scream, slowly pushing the sharp blade closer to his throat "honey stop!!" I hear my mom yell, I turn to her, Jason snatches the knife from my hand and puts it up to my throat, also holding me in a headlock "watch your tone with me, brat," he says to me, "honey I'm sorry, this was me, I got the man to come take keena, I don't want you or her in danger with Jason around so it's best if she's not here," she confesses looking down "wh- WHY DOESNT THIS ASSHOLE LEAVE?!" I scream and try to move, it only makes him cut slightly at my throat, the sharp pain makes me stay still, "I'm so sorry" my mom whispers, she goes upstairs and gets keena, she brings her down and to the man outside, I scream for her and try to move, once again unsuccessful, Keena steps out and the door shuts, Jason let's me go and I fall to my knees, my mom tries to come comfort me but I shove her away, I back up into the corner and cry, "that's what you get bra-" jason spits out but before he can finish I grab a knife and slash at his leg, leaving a big and deep wound "go. Fuck. Yourself." I say to him as I walk outside "lily!! Where are you going?!" My mom yells for me "somewhere I'm loved," I say softly and step out the door, I shut it behind me and head over to my secret spot.

Flashback (13 yrs old)

"STOP STOP!!" I scream as my dad beats me for getting him the wrong type of beer, he's hitting me with beer bottles and his fists, the pain is unbearable, I feel like I'm dying, he finally leaves me be and walks away, I'm there laying on the floor, weak and broken, I stand up shakily and head into the kitchen, I grab a bag and stuff it with things that don't expire, 50$ and I grab 5 water bottles and put them in too, I'm ready
I'm gonna run away
But, as soon as I step outside, I get yanked back in, before I'm in completely I throw the bag under the porch "Where are you going?!" My dad yells, gripping me by my hair "I-I'm sorry I w-was just getting a-air!" I squeal out, "air? You want air?! How's this for air?!" He pushes me down and suffocates me with a couch cushion, just before I go unconscious I hear my mom step in and scream

I wake up in bed, my mom sitting next to me, I smile at her then start to cry.

From that day if I ever needed to run away, I allways have my secret spot

Present day, Lily's pov

I head over to my secret spot, I grab my bag and pull out my phone, the man must have been a kind of babysitter so I know who he works for, I set up the directions and head off I get an Uber to take me halfway there but it starts to rain, I ask if he'll take me further but the man denies, I hand him the money and head out, wow, it's like I movie huh? Walking to my girlfriend in the rain, very basic, my thought is interrupted my someone yanking me by my hair "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST RUN AWAY?!" Jason yells at me "how'd you find me, at least tell me that," I say blankly, he points to my phone and I realize I have my location turned on, shit he drags me to his car and takes me home, he rants about me and complains about his life the whole way until he notices me sobbing "wh- ARE YOU IGNORING ME?!" He yells, "go ahead, hit me and crash the car, cause if you get to close you'll be kissing the concrete" I say boldly, he gets an annoyed expression and continues driving, I realize he's going the wrong way and when we get close to where keena is I jump out of the car, it hurts, but I don't care, I run in the direction of her and hear Jason screaming at me, chasing me, I finally get there and run inside "excuse me you aren't allowed to be in here-" the lady at the front desk says but I interrupt "Where is keena Lewis?" I ask quickly "I'm sorry I can't tell you that" the lady says with a fake pity in her voice, "please, he's gonna take me back, just let me see her.." I say softly, trying not to cry, "o-oh, room 15" she says as she hands me room key, I thank her, grab it and run up to her room, once I'm in front of the door I hear Jason walk in, I quickly unlock it and step in, I lock the door behind me "keena?" I ask before keena hugs me unexpectedly "I-I wanna.....wanna go......b-back" she says between sobs, I hold her then heat knocks on the door, I let her go and open it "listen I'll go back just leave her Alo-" I stop, it's not jason, it's a police officer "your father is under arrest, I'm here to take you two home, under arrest? Like as in jail?! I smile widely and hug the man "thank you, thank you so much" I say trying not to cry, he says his usual police stuff then me and keena go in the car, then the police starts to tell us what happened

Flashback lady at the front desk's pov

"Please, he's  gonna take me back, just let me see her" a girl says, "o-oh room 15" I say as I hand her the key to the room she runs up and then a man walks in "I'm looking for a short girl, pink blue and brown hair, grey and red eyes" he says annoyed, that's the girl, I click the silent alarms "go ahead she's upstairs room..uhhh...14" I lie and give him an old key, he nods and walks up, about 2 mins later a police officer arrives and I report that the two girls may be abused, he nods and heads upstairs, he comes down with the man , he puts him in his co-workers car while he goes and gets the girls , glad I could help

Flashback over, keena's pov

I rest my head on keena's shoulder and slowly fall asleep despite my arm stinging and itching a lot. I wake up with lily nudging me, I get out of the car drowsily and lily carries me inside, I hear her thank the officer and say goodbye as she takes me upstairs I wake up as she puts me on the bed, she's about to step into the bathroom but I stop her "hey, I love you" I mumble softly and she lays down with me "love you too" she says before we both fall asleep..

VBSJSNASHUSBD IT HURT ME TO WRITE THIS- I'm actually crying tho ngl- anywho 1459  Words and EEEEE next 'chapter' will just be fanart so the chapter will take a while to come out so wait for that! Kk ily guys! Byeee!💕


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