Chpt. 14 bad girl

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Keena's pov

I wake up, i sit up and realize Angie isn't here, i hear sizzling "angie?" I say tiredly as I walk to the kitchen "yeah babe?" He asks back "what are you making?" I ask leaning against the wall "bacon, eggs and"
"Jelly and cheese sandwiches" "jelly and cheese sandwiches" we say at the same time, i smile tiredly, i wait a bit until he's serving then I drag him to the couch "bebe.." I say nervously "yeah babe?" He asks worried "i think I'm still...Im still...her" I whisper loud enough for him to hear "oh babe no that's crazy talk! She's gone now!" He reassures me, I smile "why do you think that babe?" He asks

Your probably wondering who she is, she is


Bliss's pov (15 yrs old)

I spit out my gum, "okay we get it 2 + 2 is 4 can I leave now?!" I shout at the teacher, annoyed, "yes you may leave, to detention," I smirk "thanks teach!" I flip off the teacher while I skip ironically out the room, someone stares at me in the hallway "you got a problem?!" I growl at the kid, they shake their head quickly and run away, I chuckle, I'm in school right now, I'm heading over to the office when I see the back door open, I smile widely, I run to get my backpack, my cigarettes and my lighter, I run out the back into some woods that lead to a neighborhood, I sit on a log to smoke and just relax, I hate school and everything about it, besides- "bitch I know I'd see you here!" My bff allie shouts to me "pass" she says as she sits next to me "i thought my ciggs were gross after me" I tease "I lied, duh" she laughed, we sit there smoking until we hear the bell ring, he neighborhood that was there was ours so we just ran with our backpacks that way "ey you can't stay over today" Allie says to me while we walk to her place "why? Your daaad say sooo?" I mock "no, you left about 50 cigarettes at my house yesterday and a bunch of Red Bull's" she says annoyed "pfft 50? That's a stretch, I didn't even smoke over 15 yesterday" I reply "well your gonna have to go to your own house today" she says smirking "ugh fine but you owe me a pack- two packs" I say "fine" she smiles, I say bye and we head to our houses, I get to the door and kick it open "which fuckface is here today?!" I shout angrily "m-me" my mom replies nervously "great, i need money, about 50 bucks for tomorrow" I demand, she nervously hands me 50, "h-honey could y-you please go t-to the o-office next t-time? Just so t-they don't t-try to call t-the police o-on me?" She says nervously "yeah sure, luv ya mom peace" I say walking upstairs "l-love you to!" She shouts back as I shut my door, I call my bf andi

"Look whos calling!"

"Oh shut up, what you doin'?"

"Nothing. what, Allie kick you out and now you want me over?"

"Wow you read my mind"

"Be right there"

"Bring a condom"

"Will do"

Phone hangs up

I don't actually like him, I like his big dick so I stay with him, my mom knows but she also knows not to fuck with me, last time she did I killed our cat, she hasn't said no to me since, on the other hand my 'dad' is a drunk mess so I knock him out whenever I'm home with some sleeping pills,  "h-honey! Andi is h-here!" She shouts up to me, I run downstairs "thanks" I say to her as I pull him upstairs, I push him onto the bed "your hot when you try to be tough" he flips me and pins me down instead "you too~" I smirk,

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