Chpt. 10 super girl

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Keena's pov

I wake up, i shift slightly and see lily at her desk, "what you doin'?" I ask drowsily, she quickly shoved the papers she had in her drawer and pulled out a drawing "drawing," she lied, I brushed it off and sat up, as soon as I did I felt a sharp pain in my arm, I yelp and lily rushes to me, "what is it?! Are you okay?!" She asked panicked "I-I think so..?" I say realizing there's a large wound on my arm,

Flashback Jason's pov (the day before)

The fucking cop is trying to take me, stupid fucking brats, he takes me downstairs and to a cop car, I get pushed in and he shuts the door, it's not locked, heh, dumbass, I step out and see the girls getting into a car, I grab the key the lady gave me, run to keena and cut her arm, I do it quickly and she's tired so he doesn't seem to notice another cop yanked me back into the car and drove off,

Flashback over, keena's pov

Knowing it was there just made it hurt more, the surprise and pain made me breathe heavily and start to cry, I look over to the bed, there's blood where my arm was. My vision gets blurry and I start to faint,

I pass out

I wake up in a hospital room, my arm is Bandaged up and I'm alone in the room, I sit up and look around, no one..I stand up and when I walk to the door I see a letter
It reads

Dear Keena, Im so sorry I'm not there right now, I've grown to angered to look at you, I'm not mad at you, not in the slightest, but.. I'm mad at him, and when I see you all I see is what he's done to you, him hurting me is one thing but he can't hurt you, not anymore,
I don't think it's right to lie so I'll tell you,
Im on my way to the court room he's in,

Im going to kill him

Im going to walk into the room, I'll blend in with the people, and when the jury announces his sentence I'll jump out and stab him, in the heart 3 times, then the head twice, then I'll stab myself, I'm sorry
I love you my dear keena


My Tears drip onto the paper, I throw the paper, disconnect myself from the machines and run out of the hospital, I run so fast yes one is able to catch me, when I get to the door I kick it and smash the glass, I crawl out and run into the streets, I look around and make my way to the building, I get to the door and I'm stopped by guards "miss, you cannot be her-" I cut the man of by punching him and the other guard, I head inside and ignore everyone yelling and trying to stop me, I rush into the room

"I'll blend in with the people"

I remember that sentence from the paper and look into the stands, I notice her shuffling through the people, I run in behind the stands and make it to her, I grab her wrist, she looks at me with a crazed expression and teary eyes, I pull her out of the room and we see the countless cops at the door and outside, I stand there trying to think of something and I realize lily doesn't even have a knife, she knew I would stop her, heh
I analyze the situation but as soon as I get a plan the cops close in on us, they aim their guns then put me and lily in cuffs, i shift and struggle as they take us away, I see lily being pulled to another car "LET ME GO WITH HER!! LET ME GO!!" I yell and struggle, they ignore me and shove me into the car, the officer starts to drive "I said let me go with her" I growl "we can't do that until we know both of your intentio-" I cut him off "DID YOU HEAR ME?! LET. ME. GO!!" I scream,

And the car flips

I look outside the window and see the world spinning, I get ready for impact but it never comes, I realize I'm fine, the officer might bleed out and die but I'm fine, I get out of the broken vehicle and look around, I'm still in cuffs so I just walk to the cops surrounding me, they call an ambulance for the officer driving me and put me in the car with lily

We arrive at the police office and we get sat in different rooms, they start asking me questions "why were you there" "because" "...what is your relation with lily-" I slam my fists in the table "how do you know her name?!" I growl "she's been here before, anyways you aren't in place to ask questions so answer me, what is your relation with lily" " friends" " old are you both?" "I'm 18 she's 19" "were you at the hospital before now?" "Yes" "why?" "I had- have a huge slash wound" "who did that?" "Jason" "...okay I'll leave you in here" the officer stood up "you'd better not be hard on lily" I growl but he ignores me and leaves me in the room.

Quiet room

Cold room


A l o n e

My mind starts racing, everything seems possible, I could get out these cuffs, could i? No- well maybe, do I have a hair pin? No why would I have one?! The fear and anger take me over and I start hitting my head on the table






The door bursts open and a cop comes in, she stands me up and stops me, I looked at her with a crazed expression, and scream

The glass in the door and in the walls shatter
The woman whimpers in pain, and a fire starts behind me, i see cops at the door but when they try to get to me they fly back into the wall outside the room, I continue screaming and crying but I stop when I feel something wrapped around me, I look down "l-lily?" I ask
"Shh sit down, calm down" she soothes and sits me down on the ground, I cry into her shoulder, "I'm so sorry baby, this will help you.." she says softly "sorry for wh-"  a needle is jabbed into my arm "I-it's o...oka.." stutter  before passing out

I look like this rn 🤡 anywhoo sorry this chpt took so long I got grounded 🥺 if I take more than 3 days then I'm grounded so sorry 🥺🥺🥺 bye byeee


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