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I thought when I saw you again, this phase would be over

But you looked at me and smiled like it was the happiest moment of our lives.

I was, magnetized, mesmerized.

Hook, line, and sinker.

You put your arm around my shoulders and I instinctively put my arm around your waist

It should have been awkward, doing that the first time,

But it felt like coming home.

It felt like we both didn't want to let go.

It felt like we could be like that for a lifetime.

Lifetime and home are two words I have never used

Two feelings, I have never felt.

It sure as hell scares me that I felt, no, I feel it, with you.

I closed my eyes that morning after,

And a lifetime with you flashed before me.

And it felt good.

Whatever this is,

I want it to be real.

I want it to be.


Letters from JWhere stories live. Discover now