Inferno-Chapter 2

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Inferno-Chapter 2

"Last stop miss.”

I looked up at the train driver who had woken me up from my sleep. I simply nodded and grabbed my stuff and got off the train.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail and placed my navy blue cap on my head, as I passed some police officers at the ticket bay. With my bag on my back and my hands in my pockets I walked through the town and tried to find a cheap motel to stay the night and plan out my next moves.

It was daytime so the streets were buzzing with people. I had no idea where I was but I knew I was out of the state as I had taken the interstate train and only refused to get off until the train took me to where it wouldn’t go any further.

I walked around for a while until I located a cheap looking hotel.

As I walked through the carpark to the entrance, I noticed that it was practically empty except for a few cars. However one car stood out the most. It was a large black jeep, the type you would see at an army base. I though I saw the silhouettes of people in the car but the windows were tinted.

I shook my head and continued walking towards the entrance.

Before I placed my hand on the door to open it, a hand clamped around my mouth. My instincts kicked in and I elbowed the culprit in the gut and scraped the side of my foot down his shin, hopefully causing half his skin to come off.

I heard the grunts and the yelling of pain come from the culprit and turned around to find a creepy old guy lying on the ground holding his leg and muttering swear words under his breath.

What I noticed next made me freeze. As the guy rolled around in pain I saw a shiny silver handgun tucked into his belt.

I instantly bolted away trying to put as much distance as I could from him just in case he recovered from the damage I had done, but doubt he would.


I walked for around half an hour before I noticed a familiar looking black shiny Jeep parked ahead of me. I racked my brain for a few seconds trying to figure out where I had seen it before.

Realisation struck me as I recognised it as the same car as the one in the car park. I wondered what it was doing here out of all places. As I thought about it caused me to become more suspicious. What if they were the same people as the guy that tried to kidnap me before.

I looked at the Jeep intently while I walked closer. I suddenly saw movement in the car. Trusting my gut I turned into a random street and continued walking but picking up my pace as I went. 

I risked looking back for a second and that's when I realised that I was right. The car was following me. I broke out into a sprint and tried to but as much distance as I could between the Jeep and me, but that was extremely difficult considering I was on foot and that was a car.

I heard the Jeep rev up behind me but I didn't look back as it wasted valuable time. Instead I took sharp a sharp turn into a tight alleyway knowing that the Jeep wouldn't be able to fit through as a result of the large rubbish bins and boxes that were littered around.

I heard the car doors of the Jeep slam close and voices yelling.

"Hurry up, she's getting away" I male voice yelled.

I quickened my pace and followed the twists and turns of the alley. Suddenly the alley came to an end as I came face-to-face with a brick wall.

I cursed under my breath and tried to find a way to get over the wall. The wall itself was about 7 metres tall. I looked around and found a fire escape just above a garbage bin. I heard the men coming closer so I quickly ran towards the other wall and using the wall as a lift I jumped on the bin and then ran and jumped to grab hold of the fire escape ladder. Without pulling it down in swung myself up and ran jumped over the brick wall. I heard the frustrated yells of the men on the other side and smirked. I wasted no time as I bolted out of the alleyway.

It was broad daylight out so I took my hoodie and cap off. I couldn't let my self be recognised by the people following me. I put them in my bag and zipped it up. I just wore my black tee and my hair out.

I walked into a random shop and decided to wait there for a while until the coast was clear. As I walked in the aroma of freshly brewed coffee hit me causing my mouth to water and my stomach to rumble. I placed my hands on my stomach to try and conceal the growling. However it didn’t go unnoticed.

A deep laugh coming from the counter caused my eyes to divert there. A tall, blonde waiter looked at me amused.

“Look’s like you’ll be ordering,” he said smiling. I couldn’t help but blush, I mean come on, who wouldn’t get embarrassed when a good-looking guy heard your stomach growl.

“Yeah, I’ll get a latte with two sugars and two pancakes,” I replied as I made my way over to the table he was indicating for met to sit down at.

“Sure, anything else?” he asked. I shook my head as my stomach growled again causing me to get more embarrassed and him to laugh once again.

He left and made his way over to the kitchen “two pancakes!” he yelled over the noise to the workers and made his way to making my coffee.


Two pancakes and a coffee later I made my way out of the café and into the city centre.

The centre of the city was crowded so I blended in well. I looked behind me and didn't find the black Jeep anywhere. I sighed with relief and turned my head back forward before I crashed into a wall.

The heck.

I looked up from the ground and found a tall muscular boy around my age looking down at me with a smirk.

"Watch where you're going next time." I grunted dusting myself off as I got up.

The boy just chuckled and shook his head. I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Next time..."he started, I heard the screeching of tyres and looked to the road and felt my heart race as I saw the Jeep speed towards us and come to a stop right beside me.

"...don't ever “ the door of the van opened.

“turn your back" the boy finished with a smirk as he pushed me into the van.

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