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'Thou Shall Burn In Hell' -X



"Mr Peterson I would like you to meet my daughter, Alexandria," my father said introducing me to his biggest client to date.

"Nice to meet you sir," I said shaking his hand. Mr Peterson smiled at me knowingly.

Mr Peterson had to be my Dad's biggest client yet. My dad had even gone to the effort of throwing him a dinner ball in his honour. My Dad was a famous business manager and had managed many of the worlds greatest businesses. He had even worked alongside Bill Gates. Yet he hadn't tried to impress anyone as much as he was today. The only thing I knew was that Mr Peterson owned a large company that worked in overseas shipping and engineering.

"As I was saying Mr Peterson, I believe it would be quite beneficial to your company if you allowed for our help as we blah blah blah," that was all i managed to hear before i tuned myslef out of hearing my Dad ramble on about his 'terrific' business. 

I noticed my Dad had finally finishe talking and I realized that Mr Peterson was in fact looking at me. 

'Alexandria, what do you think of your father's offer? I trust you would give me your honest oppinion.' I immediately tensed up afraid on what to say next. 

I was surprised that Mr Peterson has asked me to make a decision for him and by the look on my fathers face you could tell he was just as surprised as me, maybe even more.

In fact my father look worried...normally fathers would be relieved or even ecstatic if their beloved daughter was asked a question that would impact their life so very greatly. Oh how my father was going to regret ever abusing me. My 'beloved' father along with my 'beloved' mother and 'beloved' older brother and sister, had being my life living hell. Literally. If you were to lift up my shirt, you would be shocked to find it tender and along the shades of purple and black. Along with the brusies you would find scars from being whipped by my father's belt constantly. 

After remembering the torture my 'family' had caused me, I immediately felt grateful that Mr Peterson asked me such an important question as i had the perfect response...

'Honestly it would be fantastic if you signed a deal with my father's business...' I started, taking in the releived expression on my father's face and the somewhat disappointed look on Mr Peterson's face... that i didn't understand but i completely ignored it preparing myself to complete the final stage of my mini revenge.

'...but that would only be beneficial for him as it would be the perfect opportunity to rob you of your money and use it to bath himself in, as you hold your head in your hands and regret ever coming across with the spwan of satan himself,' I finished sighing heavily, I was relieved that I had finally been strong enough to come out and say that. 

By this time the whole hall was silent and staring at me. I looked at my father to find his face scrunched uo with fury...well it looks like I'm getting the belt when i get home. I turned my head away and was surpried to see Mr Peterson beaming at me proudly. My stomach churned at his proud look.

I suddenly felt a rough pull me around. I stumbled back but quickly regained my balance. I stumbled back and looked up to see my mother glaring at me with so much hatred. She raised her hand to slap me. 

Time seemed to have slowed down as i watched my mother's hand slowly come closer to my face. I felt my hand shoot up and grab her upcoming hand and stopped it from reaching my face. 

Time went back to normal as i watched the old hag's face turn from anger to disblief and back to anger again. 

'You little wretched child! Who do you think-" Before she could even finish her sentence I clocked her in the jaw cuasing her to fall to the floor grabbing her jaw in horror, a scream escaped from her lips as she looked up at me with a terrified expression on her face. 

To tell you the truth, in that moment I had been more proud of myself than ever before. 

I looked down at the coward lying on the floor who once had the nerve to call herself my mother, and smirked at her. 

Suddenly a strong fist connected with the side of my face. 

The last I remembered seeing before I blacking out was my mother's horrified expression satisfying me and causing me to go unconsious with a smirk on my face.

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