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   I'm in the LAX and waiting for Tony. He'll be here in 10 mins. Actually I'm a little worried. It's the first time I'm out of Spain, I'll meet with Tony, I only talked him on the Internet and it's been about 1 month I know him, I'm about the sign a contract with a company and I'm a little depressed right now. Christmas is coming but I don't even want to celebrate. I'm looking like trash, sitting on my suitcase in the middle of the airport and my eyes are red cuz of crying and not sleep enough.

I'm sure Tony is gonna give up on me when he see me like this.

Then I saw him, standing and looking for me, I waved my arm, we had an eye contact and I grabbed my baggages and walked to him. He hugged me warmly, I hugged him back. He was taller than I thought. I don't know what to say, hope for he speak first. Should I go back, it's like we hugged for too long.

Tony smiled at me and he grabbed my baggage. "My car is out there, come on."

I smiled and followed him. He started to drive. "Are u hungry, shall we eat something?"

Yes, I am but I can't tell, It would be so rude and I don't wanna seem like freeloader.

"Apparently u wont answer, ok then. I'm hungry. There is a good place, I'm literally addicted there. We are going." he smiled at me gently.

I smiled back and said "Okey then."

We talked about our lives and then stopped on a restaurant.

We ordered some Spanish food, I'm happy about it.

When we were eating we talked so much and he always tried to cheer me up.

"U know what, I can cook for u. I'm sure I can make best Patatas Bravas you'll ever eat."

Suddenly I laughed. He was a little bit annoyed.

"What happened, didn't u expect I can cook?" He asked me.

"I'm sorry but u forgot I'm Spanish. U'll make the best Patatas Bravas,huh? Okay then, I'm dying to taste it."

He looked at me without talking, when our eye contact went deeper i looked somewhere else but I can feel his eyes on me.

"What? Why u looking me like that?"

He shaked his head. "I'm sorry, just u're so beautiful when u smile.

I'm sure right now I'm as red as tomato.  "Thank u.But I'm just a mess right now."

   Actually I liked that he compliment me. I like attention.

  "No, u look even better than the photos."

  I smiled and kept eating.

  When we finished, we headed to his car.

"Why won't u stay in our house tonight? It's just me, my brother and a friend.Don't worry, we have guest room."

"Thank u but it'd better if I stay in hotel room."

I don't want to stay with him, we just met.

"It's late" he said. "Don't be shy, u can stay with us."

"Is it late? No sir, the night just beginning ." I said with ridicule.

He laughed.

"Really Tony, thank u for everything but I wanna stay in a hotel room. Do u have any suggestions?"

"So u said the night just beginning. I guess u would like to stay in a hotel with good club."

I laughed. "Yes, it'd be good."

"Okay, i know one."

He stopped at a hotel, we hugged said goodbye.

"If u need anything u can call me." he said and leave.

I went into hotel, booked a room and went to my room. I took a long shower, cried a lot and think about all the shit I've been thru.

When I get out of shower, I chose a black dress, straightened my hair and put some makeup on.

First I went to the restaurant, eat by myself then I went to night club. I was sittin alone and drinkin. Trying to find a new target. There was some boys trying to flirt with me. Then a boy sent me a glass of gin. To be honest, he is attractive, probably he is in 20s, I smiled at him. Then he came near me.

 Then he came near me

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"Buena noches." he said.

He is really handsome.

"How did u understand that I'm Spanish?" I glared at him.

"Lets say I felt." He smiled and stretched out his hand. "I'm Bryce."

I shaked his hand gracefully. "I'm Liliana."

We started to talking and drinkin. After a few shots, we started to get closer.

  "So u're a TikToker." I said. "How I didn't saw u before?"

  I took my tenth shot.

He smiled "U missed a lot."

I laughed. I can feel that I'm so high. "I need to smoke." I said. "Would u come with me?"

He followed me to the exit. "So u smoke, huh? I didn't expect." He glared at me.

Damn, he is so hot.

I bited my lower lip. I can see the desire in his eyes.

"Damn." he came closer to me. "What are u doing?"

I close to him. I can feel the heat of his body. His pretty brown eyes are burning with desire. Suddenly I kissed him. Our kiss went deeper.

"We can go to my room." I said. He smiled and we headed to my room.

    When we're in elevator he smashed his lips onto mine.I kissed him back needing this.I wanted him so bad.When we get in my room he carried me, I wrapped my legs around his waist. He layed me down to my bed then started to kiss me. I can feel flames on my body everytime he touched.

  "You are too drunk." He whispered to my ear. "I will be gone and  bet you will regret about it in the morning."

  I smiled. "Bet." I closed to him and whispered his neck. "But right now, I want it." Then I kissed him.

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