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"Ondreaz" I ran and hugged him. He hugged me and started to rubbing my head. "Hi darling" he said.

"You scared me." I said between my tears. " I thought I'd loose you forever."

He coughed. "Don't cry babe, I'm here." I kissed him. "Why didn't you tell me anything about your COPD?"

"I didn't want to make you worried." He said.

I layed next to him,put my head on his chest and we talked a while. Then a nurse came and told me that I should leave now.

When I left Ondreaz's room I saw Tony sitting, his head in his hands. I sat next to him.
"I told you, he is not gonna die before 80s."

Tony looked at me. "I'm so fucking happy, he turned back and he forgave me. We are cool now."

"I'm happy for you." I said. "He is your family."

Tony looked at me in my eyes. He smiled. "You are my family too and I don't wanna loose my family. I know you're with Ondreaz, I know I lost you forever but at least we can stay friends."

I crossed my arms. "Tony, I'm sorry but I don't think that's the right time to talk about this. I made up with Addison but I need more time to forgive you."

"Okay." he said. "But you will stay here right?"

"For a while,yes." I answered.

"At least you can stay till your birthday, I wanna be in your 19th birthday party." he said while his eyes watering.

"Don't know if I can stay till 12th March."

Next Day

     "Lils,Tony, I know you wanna stay here with Ondreaz but it's been two days and you didn't even sleep. Guys, he needs you healthy and energetic. You should go home, you can come later." said Thomas.

     "Yeah, you're right." said Tony. "Also he is okay, maybe they can let him go in a few days,huh?"

     "Yepp.Probably." I said. "Thomas will you stay here with him or are you coming with us?"

    "I'm gonna see his doctor, I will come in hours, maybe with him." he said with a smile.

    Tony and I went to Tony's car.

    He started to drive, I didn't talk so he didn't talk too. Then he interrupted that beautiful silence. "Would you mind if I turned the radio on?"

   I shrugged. "I don't mind."

   He turned the radio on. After a few pop songs a remix to my song "Jennifer" started to play.


   Tony started to sing. I was so confused.

  "Aren't you mad at me for this song?" I asked. I wanted to fight with him, I wanted to see him sad, mad, angry to me. He was just singing and vibing.

   "Nope, totally I'm not mad, I love this song, it's a lit." he said.

   He even posted a story while he is driving and singing this song.

   "Why did you posted it?" I said.

   He smiled. "I always post stories with my favorite songs."

   "Is this one of your favorite songs?" I'm starting to get angry.

   "Yes, why not?" he is still smiling.

"Are you fucking crazy? I wrote this song because you cheated on me, I wrote this song cause I was so mad and now you're singing this song while laughing? Okay Tony." I shouted.

  "You told me that's not a good time to talk about this, when will we talk?" said Tony. "Can I tell my feelings and apologizes and real intentions now?"

   "Do you know body language is a thing?" I said sarcastically.

   We arrived to home. "Can you please stop being sarcastic and listen me?" he said with a little bit anger.

   He was parking the car. "I'm not being sarcastic, I just said that I can understand everything from your body language." I yelled.

  "What did you understand from my body language?" he yelled too.

   "I understand that you're nothing but a piece of shit." I yelled.

   He faked laugh. "Hahaha, you're telling me? Girl,you made a song for humiliate me."

   "And I'm not regret about it." I jumped out of car and slammed the car's door. I started to walk fast to get in house.

   "You're not regretting about it? Oh okay, I finally saw your real face." he slammed the door too.

    I turned back. "You saw my real face? No Tony, I saw your real face. You son of a bitch, you cheated on me with my bestie. You made fun about it, you made Tiktoks about it, you fooled me." I hit his chest. "I hate you more than anything, bitch!"

     "I'm the bitch and are you the innocent one? One week after our break up you was kissing with my brother in the street. I guess it wasn't the first time, huh? Except the game and music video. So who is the bitch?" He yelled.

    I slapped him. My eyes are glossy. "Don't dare to talk with me again. Stay away from me and Ondreaz."

   I was entering the house but he grabbed my wrist. "You're care about him, aww so sweet." He went serious. "Are you really love him? I think you're just acting like you love him just because you wanted to make me jealous. I saw your pictures, the kiss in the street, it doesn't seem real to me. I know your kiss." he said. His face was so close to mine.

    "You think. You don't know me well, that kiss was real.I love him, really. Also he was with me everytime you weren't. You don't even know what he has done for me." I said between my teeth.

     "Aww,what he did for you? Did he help you to deal with hate, did he walk with you till the Central Park, did he help you to make a good kissing picture in the Central Park?" He mimed.

     "Fuck you." I said. I tried to go but he was grabbing my wrist. "Let me go or I will break your arm."

      "I'm already broken." he said. "I'm broken since the day I saw your kissing photo. I hate him so much, he stole you from me. He did this on purpose, he was know how much I love you.Wish he was dead."

       I slapped him. "How can you say that? Do you know why he kissed me that day?" I yelled. "Cause I was about to have a abortion and I was nervous. You wasn't there but he was there for me. Now leave me alone."

       He didn't let me go. "So you and Ondreaz had a baby?Fuck you,both of you." he said.

      I looked at him into his eyes. "It was your baby."

     He dropped my wrist. He was standing and shocked. I left him there and went to my room. Addison and Dixie was coming after me but I locked the door.

     "Why are you crying, what happened?" yelled Addison and Dixie.

     "Please leave me alone." I said and layed down to my bed.





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