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One week after

"Don't cry." Dixie wiped my tears. "I will come back two weeks later with Charli."

"I'm gonna miss you so much." I hugged her. Then she left me and went to plane.

I headed to my car and turned back to home.
I sat on my couch. I felt so lonely. "I should get a dog." I said and went to kitchen to making myself dinner.I called Ondreaz.

"Hey babe." he answered to me. "It's late, why did you call me,what happened?"

"I missed you." I said. "Wish you were here."

"Are you crying?" he said. "I missed you too but I can't come to New York right now, you know I have some projects in this week."

"I know." I sighed. "I love you Ondre."

I felt he smiled. "I love you too."

    I made dinner for myself and while I'm eating this I was searching some musical school or courses that I can join. I found one and called them, tomorrow I can go and talk about details.

    That's a fresh new start, I'm starting a new life. I called Ryland to talk cuz I missed all my friends in the Hypehouse.

   "Sup shawty." we said at the same time, then we laughed.

   "What are you doing?" I asked.

  "Actually It's night here and I was about the go a party with Sway boys.What about you?" he said.

"I'm searching for some schools or courses. Whatever go and enjoy your party. Also if you gonna have party with Sway, don't let the Bryce take my party animal nickname, be the party animal, bitch." I said, he laughed. "I born as a party animal, who the fuck is Bryce Hall?"

We ended the call. After my dinner I went to my new room, which is Ondreaz used to stay. I took a shower.

In this house, every place brings good memories to me about Ondreaz. I don't exactly know what happened but I guess I learned to love him. I can't deny that I still love Tony, he is in my heart and he always will but Ondreaz is my boyfriend, he helped me and he didn't cheat on me, yet.

While I was thinking about him, he send me a voice message. I opened it, he was singing.I suprised, I didn't even know he can sing.

"I'm impressed. Your voice is cooler than the other side of my pillow." I texted him.

Two weeks after

     I was in my car and waiting for Dixie and Charli. Dixie texted me that they are in airport but I didn't see them yet. Then I saw Dixie and Charli, they were waving their hands to me but they didn't move. They were like trying to hide something. I pressed the horn and yelled em. "Get in loser I can't wait here all day."

Then I saw Ondreaz behind them, they were trying to hiding him. I jumped out of my car, ran to him and jumped over him. He hugged me and kissed me.

"Eww." said Charli while she was making a grimace. "We are here too, you could say welcome us."

"Ah, sorry." I hugged them. "I missed you."

"Yep, it's clear to see." said Dixie. She looked at Charli. "I told you, we should have never bring him here."

I kissed her cheek. "That's a lovely suprise Dixie."

We went to my car and headed to home but when Charli asked for coffee we stopped at Dunkins.

"How is everyone?" I asked. "I talked with Ryland, Nick,Alex, Kouvr and Thomas couple times but I don't know about the others."

"Actually everyone is good." said Ondreaz. "We also have a few new members and we will be having more in next month."

Dixie shaked her head. "Yeah, everyone is good."

Charli looked at me. "Except Tony."

Dixie and Ondreaz looked her to shut her up but she kept talking. "He doesn't talk with Addison, actually he doesn't talk with anyone else, he doesn't eat, he misses you."

"Yeah but he should have never hurt me." I said. "I moved on Charli, I don't care about him now. Anything else? Which is more interesting than Tony? Let's talk about new members, who are they?"

"First of all we became friends with Darianka." said Dixie. "Also you know, I broke up with Nick and now I'm talking with someone new."

I glared at her. "You bitch, why didn't you tell me?"

"Well, he is someone that you know also he is about to be a member of Hypehouse." She smiled. She seems happy.

"Do I know him, who is that lucky boy?"

"It's Tayler." said Dixie.

"No way." I looked at Ondreaz. "Your Tayler?"

"Yess." he smiled.

"Woah, I ship." I said.

"I don't." Charli rolled her eyes. "I'm shipping you guys with your ex boyfriends,sorry Ondreaz."

Dixie pinched Charli's arm. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing." said Charli and she sipped her coffee.

After our little coffee break we headed to home again. They wasn't know that I have a suprise for them. I opened the door and yelled.

"Sirius, come here boy."

He came to me and licked my hands.

   "Omg, do you have a dog, he is so cute."
Charli sat on the floor and tried to talk with Sirius.

"You didn't tell anything about it." said Ondreaz.

We sat on the couch, Ondreaz and Dixie were trying to talk with my dog.

  "Actually I was thinking about get a dog, one day when I turned back to home, I saw him on the street, his eye was bloody also It was raining and cold, I took him to vet and then I adopted him. He is too old but so cute. Look at his black fur."

  We talked a while then I showed girls their room, which is Dixie used to stay. They wanted to take shower.

  Ondreaz and I was cuddling and talking.

"Do you missed my cooking skills?" he was playing with my hair.

  "Yeah but the thing I missed much about you is that, the way you playing my hair, the way you put me in the sleep." I pecked his lips. He grabbed my waist and kissed me deeper. Charli came to living room.

  "Woah, can't you guys wait till night, at least we will be sleeping."

   "Do you wanna see New York City?" I asked to them. "I can make a little tour for you and after that, at the night we can eat something."

   "It would be great." said Dixie.

    "It's cold outside, I mean It's snowing, do you really wanna go outside?" asked Ondreaz.

   Charli laughed. "Look at the Las Vegas boy, he is afraid of getting cold."

   "Come on, it was like 40 degree outside in Las Vegas, what did you expect?" Ondreaz rolled his eyes.

  "If you wear something warm, you can't get cold." said Dixie. "Didn't you bring your sweatshirts and coats?"

   "Of course I bring.Whatever, let's go." said Ondreaz we went to my car.

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