Let The Class Trial... Begin!

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I rushed over to Chiaki to find her keeping watch along with Monomi.

Monomi: Ooh, hi Y/N!! How's the party g-

Y/N: Now's not the time Monomi, listen Chiaki, someone killed Byakuya, I need you to explain to me who you saw while guarding the door

Chiaki: W-wait, what d-did you just?-

Y/N: Huh, Monokuma hasn't given you the Monokuma file yet?

Chiaki: No, what is th-

Monokuma appears

Monokuma: Whoopsies! My bad, sorry to keep you waiting Chiaki! Here's the detailed description of the murder! Puhuhuhu!

Monokuma dissapears

Chiaki: Oh, I get it now, this is very similar to a lot of detective styled games, I think I'll be good with it...

Y/N: Great to hear! However I still need the info

Chiaki: Oh! Sorry... I've only seen Fuyuhiko walk by and th-

Y/N: Dammit! that's the one person I didn't want you to see, what did he do, where was he?

Chiaki: Well... He seemed like he wanted to join the party... Or... Atleast that's what it looked like to me...


Fuyuhiko: Oh h-hey, what are you doing here?

Chiaki: I'm standing guard so Monokuma doesn't come inside

Fuyuhiko: Heh... How diligent of you..

Chiaki: You're not coming to the party?

Fuyuhiko: Hell no! Not even if you paid me, parties are stupid anyways...

Chiaki: ...

Chiaki: You wanted to come to the party, right? That's why you came here.

Fuyuhiko: Of course not! I was just going for a damn walk!

Fuyuhiko: Just... Leave me alone...

End of flashback

Y/N: Did he definitely seem lonely to you, like he just wanted to join the party, nothing else?

Chiaki: Hmmm.. Yeah, I think...

Y/N: Alright, thanks!

Y/N: Can't be him then unless she's an accomplice... Hmm

Y/N: Chiaki, how long was Monomi with you?

Chiaki: Well... She joined me right after I left the cabin, I'm pretty sure...

Y/N: Monomi, can you confirm that?

Monomi: Yup, yup!! We were talking about aaall sorts of stuff!

Y/N: Right, that clears Fuyuhiko. It must be *him* then.

Y/N: Alright then, thank you Chiaki! That helped a lot.

Monomi: Ha-wa-wa? What about me?

Y/N: Oh, yeah...

Y/N: Well she's cleared of suspicion if Chiaki isn't the killer here so I have no reason not to trust her..

Y/N: Yeah, thanks Monomi...

Monomi: Yaaaay!!! I have finally been noticed!!!

Monomi: If there's anything I can do to help, please let me know!

With that, she dissapeared

Chiaki: Alright, I'll go to the cabin. Are you coming?

Y/N: Maybe later, I have to check something first

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