Chapter Ten

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Amy picked Freddy, Emma, and me up from the stables at three. I didn’t want to leave, but I was happy I would be back there tomorrow. Freddy and I climbed in the back of Amy’s truck while Emma rode in the passenger seat next to Amy. We were all tired, so no one said anything. 

Of course, right when we got home, Amy took me into the living room to ask me how my day went. Thankfully, I had some good news for her.

“So, how did it go?”

“It went really well. Jason let me ride and he said I did pretty well.”

“Good, I’m glad you had fun,” Amy replied. “Hey, I know school is coming up on you really fast, but if you have any questions about it, just ask Freddy.”


“You have the rest of the day to do what you want, and dinner will be around five-thirty.”

“All right.”

I went upstairs, and just as I was passing Freddy’s room, her door opened and she grabbed me and pulled me into her room. I shrieked, and then Freddy and I fell down on her bed, both of us laughing.

“Sorry about that. I just wanted to talk to you.” 

“It’s okay.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Freddy got up to close her door, and then jumped back onto her bed.

“So, what did you want to talk me about?” I asked.

“I don’t really know. Anything.”

“Well, I was hoping if I could ask you something?”


“How’s our high school. I mean, are the kids nice?”

Freddy sighed. I could tell this couldn’t be good.

“On my first day of school, this guy wouldn’t stop staring at me. He looked at me in the hallways, in classes, at lunch, and then he asked me to meet him on the football field after school. I thought he liked me, but he didn‘t show up. Instead, the guy’s girlfriend was there, and she beat me up pretty good.”

I put my hand on top of Freddy’s.

“I’m sorry.”

“Yeah, well, hopefully you won’t have as bad of an experience as I did.”

“You’re in the eleventh grade, too, right?”

It embarrassed me that I hadn’t even asked how old Freddy was yet. She was so friendly, and I could be so rude.

“Yeah. Turned sixteen seven months ago.”

“Cool, last July for me.”

“The good thing about our school is that all the teachers are really nice, and you barely get any homework.”

“That’s good. I hate homework.”

“Who doesn’t? Well, I’m gonna go lay down for awhile. I’m really tired.”

“Okay. See you later.”

At five-thirty on the dot, Emma, Amy, Freddy, and I had dinner. Tonight, it was chicken, rice, and a big, green salad. 

We didn’t talk much. Amy just asked Emma and Freddy how the day at the stables went, and then Emma excused herself from the table early. Amy went to go talk to her, so that just left Freddy and me.

“Is she all right?” I asked.

“Her boyfriend dumped her for her best friend.”

“Ouch,” I commented.

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