Chapter Twenty-Two

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It was Saturday, finally. Today was the day that I was going to try to ride Zaltana. Even though, I had to admit, I was kind of nervous after my talk with Ed yesterday. 

Freddy didn’t come with me to the stables that day. I was sort of glad about that because if anything happened to me while I was riding Zaltana, I sure as heck didn’t want her to see it.

Ed, Jason, and Taylor were waiting for me when I arrived. They all had worried expressions on their faces. I didn’t see what the big deal was. The worst thing that could happen was I’d just fall off and maybe hurt myself. But I had fallen off a horse plenty of times before, and just like Ed had said, I just had to get back on. 

“Hi, Kayla,” Jason said as I walked up to him.

“Hi,” I replied.

“Are you ready?” Taylor asked.


“Well, let’s get to it,” Ed said.

I got Zaltana out, and then took her to the crossties. Ed went to the tack room. He came back with just a bridle and my helmet.

“Am I riding her bareback?” 

“Yeah. A horse is normally their calmest when you’re riding them bareback. And, if you happen to get thrown or something, it’s an easier fall.” Ed answered.

“That makes sense.”

Taylor brought me Zaltana’s brush box to me, and I quickly groomed her. Then I put Zaltana’s bridle on.

“Okay, bring her out to the mounting block, but don’t get on. I’ll just be a minute.” Ed said. “Oh, and don’t forget this.” 

Ed handed me my helmet and I slipped it on.

“Thanks,” I replied as I led Zaltana outside.

“You guys may not want to watch this,” I heard Ed say behind me.

“Why?” Taylor asked.

“Because if she falls off I can’t have either one of you getting all emotional. Kayla has to stay calm so Zaltana can stay calm, and I can’t have you two-”

Ed’s voice faded away as I took Zaltana to the mounting block. I waited for a few minutes, and then Jason, Ed, and Taylor came out of the barn. 

“So, should I try to get on her?” I asked.

“Yes. Just do it very slowly.” Ed cautioned.

I put the reins over Zaltana’s neck, and then climbed the mounting block. She seemed okay, but she still gave me an unsure look.’

“It’s okay, girl. You’re going to be fine.” 

I didn’t sound so convincing in my shaky voice. I was getting more and more nervous by the second.

“That’s it. Nice and slow.” Ed said.

I drew in a long breath and then let it out. Then, I carefully slid onto Zaltana’s back. Nothing happened so I let myself relax for a moment.

“Good girl,” I whispered.

“Now, don’t kick, but just lean forward and walk down to the arena.”

I did as Ed told me to do, and Zaltana picked up a fast paced walk. I made sure I could steer her with the reins, and I could. Then, I headed into the arena as Ed opened the gate for me.

“Good job, sweetie,” Jason said. “Just take a deep breath.”

“Okay, just walk her around a few times, and then we’ll take it from there. And just keep alert, Kayla. You have to be prepared for anything.”

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