Chapter Thirty

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Seventeen years had come and gone. Just like that. It was if they were as quick as here one minute, gone the next.

Sure, I wasn’t an adult yet, but I felt like one. Just one more year until I had complete freedom. Now, I knew how Emma felt. But that would soon pass for her. She’d be eighteen in just over a month.

Amy got me up early so we could go to the stables. Emma was already up and downstairs. She greeted me when I came down with a hug and a “Happy Birthday!”.

“Congrats!” Emma exclaimed.

“Thank you.”

Amy kissed my forehead.

“I’m so proud of you, honey. And even though really I’ve only known you for a little bit of your life, I can tell how much you’ve grown and matured.”

“Oh, this came for you,” Emma said, handing me a letter.

I recognized the almost illegible print on the front to be Jackson’s handwriting. 

“I’ll meet you in the car after I read this,” I said.

“Sounds good,” Amy answered as she kissed my cheek.

Emma and Amy left to head into the garage while I opened up Jackson’s letter. It was a rather long. Normally, notes from Jackson were short but meaningful. He got right down to the point as soon as he could. 

Dear Kayla,

As I look back on the past seventeen years, I realize how much you’ve grown. I think about you everyday and I miss you so much. But I know you’re in a better place than before. I know you’re safe and I pray that you’re happy. 

Make the most out of every day, sweetheart. They go by so fast, they really do.  But I know you’ll go so far in life, Kayla. You’re so talented and you’re an amazing person. Don’t ever forget that.

Sorry, I might be babbling a bit. I don’t think you’ll mind though. I know you like longer cards.

Anyway, the real purpose of this card is to, of course tell you how much I love you, and to wish you a happy birthday. I hope you have a great one and I’ll be thinking about you, honey. Hope to see you soon!



The three of us headed to Amy’s car, and then arrived at Jason’s in no time. He was out there to greet us. After hugging Amy and Emma, Jason came to me and embraced me tightly.

“Happy birthday, kiddo.”

It seemed ironic that the first time Jason would call me that would be on my seventeenth birthday, but it was still kind of sweet.


“Taylor should be arriving soon and Ed’s in the house already.”

We headed in there and Ed appeared in the living room right as we entered. I ran to him and he hugged me. 

“Congratulations,” Ed said.

I laughed gently as he held me for another minute. 

“Taylor’s here,” Jason called. 

Ed and I glanced at each other and then he patted my shoulder and took a step back from me. Taylor came through the front door and then came right to me. I threw my arms around him and he hugged me tight.

“So, how does it feel to be seventeen?” Taylor asked.

“Pretty good.” 

I stared into his gorgeous brown eyes and then I kissed his cheek. 

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