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The amber light of the setting sun filtering the trees soon began to die away, which caused the little four-year-old to whimper more as she trudged through the woods. A cold wind blew through which caused her to hold herself to try to preserve the little warmth that she had.

She didn't know what to do. There seemed to be no end to the forest. She didn't how she got here or how to get out. She was stuck. With rags for clothes and bare feet. Short messy brown hair sticking out in all different kinds of places.

Hot tears soon began running down the girl's face as she held herself tighter. She stopped walking for a bit, trying to find some place to rest. But all she could see were the shadows of the trees towering over her.

What was she going to do? Was there anything that she could do?

If she had a home she would be wishing to go back.

The sudden hoot of an owl caused the girl to yelp and run to the nearest hollow tree, crawling into it. She hugged her knees, looked at the nearly pitch black forest, and continued to cry. The only small comfort that she could see was the soft glow of the fireflies floating around. She stared at them as she leaned against the tree and soon fell asleep.


When she began to wake up, the first thing that she felt something soft and warm. Like she was covered in something. The little girl stirred a bit before she opened her eyes. She found herself in a bed, a blanket was laid over her. Her surroundings weren't what she fell asleep to. Instead of the forest, she was in a large room completely made of wood.

"A-Am I in a treehouse?"

"Ah, you're awake. You had me quite worried, little one."

She jumped slightly when someone walked into the room. It was a woman with long hair that was just a little lighter than her own brown hair. The woman wore a beautiful green dress. Though she should be scared, the little girl couldn't help but stare in awe.

"Are you a princess?" she asked.

The woman let out a light chuckle in response. "No little one. I am a spirit. I believe that in your world, I am known as Mother Nature. A little friend of mine brought me to you. There's no need to fear me. I am going to take care of you for now on."

She was about to ask what little friend she meant but then she saw an owl sleeping on the window. Was it that same owl she heard last night?

The little girl continued to stare at Mother Nature as she made her way towards her and then extended a hand out to her. She slowly took it.

"Do you have a name little one?"

She shook her head, causing Mother Nature to frown.

"Well I'll have to fix that now. How about I name you...Fawn?"


"Very well then. Now then Fawn, allow me to show you your new home."


"Stop thief!"

"Get back here, you little runt!"

The five-year-old boy felt guilt stab at his heart, but he ran faster in response to the shouting and rushing footsteps behind him, all while holding the loaf of bread in his hand closer, afraid that it might drop in this pursuit if he even slightly loosened his grip.

He made a sharp turn in a narrow alley. That would at least limit the number of people chasing him.

'I'm almost there, just a little bit further.'

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