Chapter 26

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Kronos' thoughts raced as he and Father Time were pushed out of their cell. Both Felicity and Lady Luck were being forced to follow close behind. But for some reason, Mother Nature wasn't with them. According to their captor, what was going to happen was something that Jack Frost didn't want Mother Nature to see.

'I gotta find some way to resolve this...but the ones who usually make the peace are being kept away from this...or are choosing to stay away in Fawn's case. What would they do if they were in this situation?'

He tried to think of what Fawn or Mother Nature would do but unfortunately, nothing came to mind. Mostly because he couldn't imagine them in a situation where they had to fight in the first place.

Before he knew it, Kronos soon noticed that they were outside, a large arena made of ice in front of them. In there, Aspen was waiting, holding his staff tightly in his hand. Upon the sight of the small crowd approaching the arena, the owl perched on his shoulder flew off.

"Now, the era of fools calling all the shots is finally going to be put to an end." Jack Frost said with a grin before looking over at Aspen. "Are you ready, kid?"

"More than ready." Aspen said, glaring at Kronos. "Let's get this over with so that everyone can live in a peaceful world."

"That's all the answer that I need. Now how did that saying go again?" Jack Frost thought for a moment before grinning and turning to Kronos. "Oh yeah...youngest first!"

He shoved Kronos into the arena, sealing the only entrance with ice. Kronos heard his name being called out by Father Time but by the sound of it, he was quickly held back by Jack Frost.

"Now, let's get this over with." Aspen said as he stepped forward. Kronos turned to face the boy approaching him, quickly scrambling to his feet.

"Aspen right?" he asked. "Do you really want to be a pawn in this grand plan that Jack Frost put out?"

"I wasn't forced into this." Aspen replied. "I chose to be a part of this. I'm anything but a pawn."

The staff began to glow and after a few moments, an icy blast was fired towards Kronos which he was barely managed to dodge.

"Is there anyway that we can solve this without one of us dying?" he asked.

"Oh so now you want to try and talk things out?" Aspen countered. "It's a little too late for that don't you think? Don't you just try to silence those who don't blindly obey you?"

"Don't make the same mistake that I did."

"This is far from a mistake. This is giving you a taste of your own medicine! Let's see how you like it when your words fall on deaf ears! If you want even a chance at living stand up and fight! Time is ticking."

That was when an idea came to mind. If they were running out of time, then all that he had to do was stall it. Any chance was something that he just had to take.

Not hesitating, Kronos took a deep breath and his hands began to glow green. As soon as he touched the ground, the green light surrounding his hands suddenly dispersed all throughout the area, both inside and out of the arena. Aspen looked around with some confusion before turning his attention back at his opponent.

"What did you do?"

"Stopped time." Kronos explained. "Unfortunately this is only going to last five minutes...but any time is better than no time. I'm serious when I say that I'm going to make this right. If you need to get in just one hit in then go for it but no one should be getting killed."

He then prepared himself for whatever was going to happen next. "I'm going to prove to you that I'm serious about doing something different. Something that everyone including you that will be happy with. One way or another, I'm going to prove that."


Fawn paced back and forth trying to figure out what to do. Any moment now if it wasn't already happening, there was going to be some type of fight to the death between Aspen and Kronos and then between Jack Frost and Father Time.

'I need to find someway to stop this from going on...but how?' Kronos hasn't been the best, especially right before she had came here but that doesn't mean that she wanted him to die. And Aspen was a friend of hers so it wasn't like she wanted to see anything bad happen to him. Despite what anyone may think, they were brought to the Spirit Realm for a reason, neither of them had to disappear from this world.

'I don't think they're going to listen to each other...and there's no way that interruptions from the others are going to happen during the fight.'

Fawn then stared at the wall of ice that kept her in place. 'I have to get out and stop the fight...before it's too late. Trying to do something is better than doing nothing.'

She then stepped toward the wall of ice and began rubbing her hands together. She kept rubbing them to the point where they were far hotter than what the body was normally capable of.  Her hands were to the point where it seemed like they were glowing red. Fawn then placed her hands on the ice and it immediately began to melt.

'I just need to melt a hole big enough for me to go through.' Fawn told herself. 'That way I can slip out of here and stop the fight before anything else happens.'

Slowly but surely the opening in the ice wall began growing bigger and bigger. But the now melted ice began dripping onto Fawn's hands, which caused her to pause to dry her hands before continuing to melt the ice. Soon there an opening that was big enough for her to go through. Without any hesitation, she crawled through the melted hole.

'Alright...since I don't hear any fighting here then that must mean that they're all outside, that's where I'm going!'

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