Chapter 13

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Cordelia had led the successor to a small shed. She apologized for not having any snacks for them but Fawn and Felicity assured her that they didn't need anything.

"So how will all the water spirits get by for the time being without Esterfall?" Felicity asked. "Aren't they like mermaids or something since they have to be in the water."

"Being an elemental spirit doesn't necessarily mean you need that element to thrive." Fawn explained. "It just means that your powers revolve around that specific element so you find a certain region more comfortable compared to others. So we won't have to worry about the water spirits health-wise. They just won't be as comfortable as they normally are until we can settle all this."

"Oh okay. That makes sense."

"Cordelia, do you have any information on Jack Frost that might be of use to us?" Kronos asked. "We'll need everything that we can possibly get if we aim to defeat him once and for all."

"He hasn't been around for a long time." Cordelia reasoned. "Highly doubt he has the same strengths and weaknesses as he did before. Besides, who said you have to end all this in destroying a spirit?"

"Isn't it obvious? He's disrupting everything in the Spirit Realm. He's not just going to sit down and listen because we don't want to fight."

Cordelia then looked over to Fawn. "Fawn, what are the main reason that an animal strikes?"

"Well aside from hunting for food when it comes to predators, an animal usually strikes when you provoke it or when it feels threatened." Fawn said. "In other words, if you back it into a corner and it feels that it has no choice other than resort to violence."

"Do you think that the same reasoning could be considered for anything living creature?" Cordelia pressed on.

"Yeah, it wouldn't make sense if it didn't. If you feel threatened then the natural response would be to defend yourself."

"Knowing that information you shouldn't be asking yourselves how you can beat Jack Frost. It should be why he's doing this and what can you do to try and fix everything based on that."

"Is there a way to find out what happened for ourselves?" Felicity asked. "Cause I don't think everything would work out too well if we just went up to Jack Frost and asked why he's doing all this."

"By travelling to the past." Cordelia answered. "That's the only way that you'll be able to find the truth for yourselves."

"But doing that, we'll have to backtrack to Aldhaven." Kronos said. "That gives him plenty of opportunities to continue wrecking havoc throughout all of the spirit realm."

"Are you saying that because you genuinely believe that or because Father Time told you that looking into Jack Frost's motives was unnecessary?" Cordelia questioned. "The time you have with him is very short. You should start making your own judgments on whatever comes your way. The same advice goes for you and Felicity, Fawn. All of the spirit realm will soon be relying on the three of you. I know that you are still only children but an early start is far better than a late start."

Fawn slowly nodded. "Alright then. We'll take your advice to heart."

Felicity nodded in agreement.

At that, Cordelia smiled. "Good. If all of you try and do that then there may be some hope for our home to be balanced as it should be."

"Hey Fawn, if you have enough energy do you wanna walk around Esterfall and talk for a bit?" Felicity asked. Fawn was about to ask why but the look in her friend's eye was enough for her to not ask aloud.

"Yeah we can do that. Maybe we'll find a way to unfreeze Esterfall without having to exert too much energy."

She followed her outside, leaving Kronos with Cordelia. Fawn and Felicity walked along the edge of the frozen lake in silence for a little bit, making sure that they were a safe distance away. It was then that Felicity spoke up.

"We have to find out about the past. There's something that just doesn't sit well ever since we started this little journey. Both Cordelia and Barak seem to have hinted heavily on it."

"I agree but how are we going to do that?" Fawn asked. "The only way to find out what happened is to go to the past and the gates of time are guarded by Father Time's most trusted guardians. Do you really think that they'll just let us through?"

"All we gotta do is say that Kronos is the one that sent us to do it." Felicity said with a shrug. "It's not like he's just going to agree on going if we say so. We barely got a break before Cordelia pretty much forced us to rest. If we leave now, we'll be able to even take a quick nap before Kronos finds out. I know I'm not the only one who's been getting the hints. Cordelia wants us to make our own choices while Barak wants everything to go back to being equal. The only way to make Kronos see that is to take matters into our own hands and do things our way."

Fawn nodded in agreement. "Alright then. But we need to take a little detour as to buy us more time. I'd say we stop at Highmount for a bit. That way we can try to see what Adan knows about Jack Frost before all this started happening as well as send a message to Barak to send fire spirits over to melt Esterfall. Once we do that I'll fly us to Aldhaven and we'll go back to find out what exactly happened."

Felicity nodded, grinning a little. "Sounds like a good enough plan to me. We'll be hitting two birds with one stone. This little journey just got a lot more interesting."

"I know I have limited time to master all four elements but this situation isn't about me perfecting my skills. It's about doing everything that we can do to keep things running smoothly in the Spirit Realm."

With determination burning in their chests, Felicity and Fawn ran towards the route to Highmount to settle things their own way.

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