Chapter 5

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The Lab Experiment

Chapter 5

The two scientists continued to look at the two unconscious girls (April lost consciousness when the scientist injected her with the chemical) strapped to each of the two tables

“Where do you want me to take the two brats?” The red haired scientist asked as he walked over to the tables and started to undo the straps around the two girls.

“Take them to the observation room and lock them in there.” The blonde haired scientist told him.

“Why do you want them in there?” The red haired scientist asked as he continued to un-strap the two girls.

“So that we can see if those injections actually worked.” The blonde haired scientist replied.

“Alright.” The red haired scientist said picking up the girl’s limp bodies and throwing them over his shoulder.

Dr. Greg carried Della and April to a little room with glass windows trapping them in there. A few minutes past and Dr. Frank decided to join the red haired scientist.

“Thank you for putting them in there.” The blonde haired scientist thanked.

“You’re welcome. So what do we do now?” The red haired scientist asked.

“Well, we wait until they wake up.” The blonde haired scientist told him.

“Ok, but how are we going to tell if the injections work or not?” The red haired scientist asked.

“You see those monitors up there?” The blonde haired scientist asked pointing to a big black monitor outside of the observation room.

“Yeah.” The red haired scientist answered.

“Well, there’re wireless wires that are connected to the girls’ forehead and it will show the girl’s thoughts and memories.” The blonde haired scientist explained. “We will know if the injections work if we see the girls’ thoughts and memories that are listed on the screen disappear.”

“Where did the wireless wires come from?” The red haired scientist asked.

“I put them on April when we snatched her 8 years ago and Della when I snatched her earlier ago.” The blonde haired scientist told him.

“Oh ok, I was just wondering.” The red haired scientist replied.

“That’s fine.” The blonde haired scientist told him.

After about 10 minutes later, April and Della finally woke up and realizing that they’re in a strange room.

“Where are we?” Della asked in a groggy voice.

“We’re in some kind of glass room.” April told her.

“Glad to see you girls are awake.” The blonde haired scientist said.

“Hello Dr. Frank, how are you?” April asked.

“I’m fine thank you.” The blonde haired scientist replied.

“Seems like the injections are working.” The red haired scientist told the blonde haired scientist.

“Yeah they do. Let’s ask the girls some questions to make sure because the monitor could be messed up.” The blonde haired scientist told him.

“So Della, do you have any brothers or sisters?” The blonde haired scientist asked.

“No I do not.” Della replied.

“Ok, do you know where you live?” The blonde haired scientist asked.

“I live here with you guys and you’re my dad.” Della replied.

“Very good.” The blonde haired scientist told her.

“I think it worked.” The red haired scientist told the blonde haired scientist.

“I think it did too cause look.” The blonde haired scientist told him pointing at the monitor.

“The number of thoughts and memories of their family and friends are decreasing!” The red haired scientist exclaimed looking at the monitor.

“Yes! I call this experiment a success!” The blonde haired scientist exclaimed.

“Good job.” The red haired scientist said patting the blonde haired scientist on the back.

“Thanks but I couldn’t have done it with you.” The blonde haired scientist told him.

“You’re welcome.” The red haired scientist replied.

“Are we getting closer to the laboratory?” Opal asked as she ate her quarter pounder from Mc. Donald’s.

“Yeah we are.” Mario said as he continued to drive and eat.

“Good because I really want to see my little sister. I haven’t seen her since I was only 7 years old.” Opal told them.

“You’re sister’s been gone for 8 years?” Mario asked not believing what he just heard Opal say.

“Yeah.” Opal replied.

“Wow, that’s a long time. No wonder why you want to see your sister so badly.” Said Luigi.

“I know. I really miss her and I hope she’s alright.” Said Opal.

“Well don’t worry, we are just about there.”  Mario assured her.

“Alright.” Opal replied.

The Mario Bros. and April continued to drive to the laboratory. However, Peach, Daisy, Heather, and Jameson suddenly got caught in traffic.

“We’re never going to get to the laboratory to save my sister if this traffic doesn’t hurry up and move.” Daisy complained.

“Calm down, we’re going to get to the lab to save your sister.” Peach assured.

“Alright I’ll stop complaining.” Daisy sighed.

“Thank you and you see, traffic is starting to move now.” Peach said driving slowly.

Once the traffic was moving a lot faster, Peach, Daisy, Heather, and Jameson continued their journey to the lab.

Back at the lab, the two scientists got bored of watching the two girls in the glass room so they decided to let the girls out of the room.

“Alright girls, you may come out.” The blonde haired scientist said unlocking and opening the glass door for the two girls. The two girls walked out of the room.

“What do you need us to do now dad?” Della asked the blonde haired scientist.

“I want you girls to stand by the entrance and make sure we don’t have any intruders.” The blonde haired scientist said.

“Yes dad.” Della replied.

Della and April walked over to a big, metal door and stood guard. Time went by and the two girls fell asleep.

Outside in front of the lab, the Mario Bros. and Opal finally arrived and were waiting for the three princesses and Jameson to arrive so that they can sneak in together.

“I wonder what’s taken them so long to get here.” Luigi said as he started to worry.

“I don’t know but I can call them if you like.” Mario offered.

“No it’s alright, I’ll call them.” Luigi said getting out his green cell phone.

Just as Luigi was about to make the phone call, an orange go- cart appears in sight.

“They’re here!” Opal exclaimed.

“Hey guys, what took you so long?” Mario asked.

“We got stuck in some bad traffic.” Peach replied.

“Oh well at least you guys are here and now we can enter the lab.” Said Mario.

“Ok, let’s go.” Said Daisy.

With that, everybody headed towards the big, metal door.

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