Chapter 6

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The Lab Experiment

Chapter 6

“Go check on Della and April and see if they’re doing their job.” The blonde haired scientist told the red haired scientist.

“Yes sir.” The red haired scientist replied.

The red haired scientist went over to the large metal door and checked on the two girls and saw that they were fast asleep.

“Della, April, wake up.” The red haired scientist said calmly shaking the girls’ shoulders.

The girls were still asleep and Dr. Greg was starting to get angry.

“Wake up!” The red haired scientist bellowed angrily.

Della and April finally woke up from their little nap.

“Glad to see you girls are finally awake.” The red haired scientist told them.

“Sorry about that, we were just really tired.” April apologized.

“Just don’t let it happen again.” The red haired scientist said before walking off.

Once Dr. Greg was gone, the girls resumed to their job of looking out for intruders.

“Della, you go look out that window over there.” April said pointing to the window next to the giant metal door.

“Alright.” Della said as she headed towards the window.

Della looks out the window and sees the Mario Crew trying to get in.

“Do you see anything?” April asked.

“I see two plumbers, two princesses, and three kids trying to come in.” Della told April.

“We should tell Dr. Frank and Dr. Greg about this.” April suggested.

“Good idea.” Della replied.

April and Della took off to tell the two scientists about their discovery.

“I’ll go in first.” Mario told everyone.

“Be careful.” Peach told him.

“I will but you guys are going to follow me okay?” Mario asked.

“Ok.” The others replied in unison.

With that, Mario opened the giant metal door and went into the lab and everyone else followed him inside.

“Dr. Frank, Dr. Greg, we found some intruders!” April shouted running towards the two scientists.

“Where are they?” The blonde haired scientist asked getting excited.

“Della saw them outside trying to get through the door.” April replied.

All of a sudden, they hear a siren coming from the metal door.

“Come here, show yourself!” The blonde haired scientist demanded.

The Mario Crew walked into the room where the two scientists, Della, and April are in.

“Well well well, look who came to save the two brats.” The blonde haired scientist cackled evilly.

“Let my little sister go!” Daisy demanded angrily.

“Yeah, you let my little sister go too!” Opal demanded.

“What happens if they don’t want to leave?” The blonde haired scientist asked.

“What do you mean?” Daisy asked getting worried.

“Dad, why do these people want to take me?” Della asked the blonde haired scientist.

“They think they’re going to rescue you.” The blonde haired scientist told her.

“Wait, Della, you don’t remember me?” Daisy asked with tears welling up in her eyes.

“No I don’t.” Della told her.

“I’m you sister.” Daisy told her.

“No you’re not, I don’t have a sister and I don’t know any of you people.” Said Della.

“What did you do to her?” Daisy asked the blonde haired scientist angrily as tears were rolling down her cheeks.

“I just gave her a shot that makes her forget who you guys are.” The blonde haired scientist explained.

“We did the same thing to April.” The red haired scientist added.

Hearing this made Opal very angry.

“I’m going to beat you two into a pulp!” Opal shouted angrily running towards the two scientists.

The scientists just laughed and the blonde haired scientist punched her in the mouth making her fall to the ground and blood trickle from the corner of her mouth.

“Opal!” The Mario Bros, Peach, Daisy, Heather, and Jameson shouted in unison.

“Dr. Greg, go get some rope out of the closet and tie up everyone except for Della and April because I need to do something with them first.” The blonde haired scientist told the red haired scientist picking Opal up off the ground.

The red haired scientist obeyed and went to fetch for the rope. A couple minutes later, the red haired scientist returned with the rope and tied everyone up back to back.

“Come here girls.” The blonde haired scientist ordered Della and April.

The two girls walked over to the blonde haired scientist.

“What do you need?” Della asked curiously.

“Just sit down on these two chairs.” The blonde haired scientist said pulling up two metal chairs.

“Okay.” Della replied.

April and Della walked over to the two chairs and sat down.

“Leave them alone!” Daisy shouted angrily.

“Shut up!” The blonde haired scientist shouted back.

“Now, where was I?” The blonde haired scientist asked himself.

Dr. Frank walked over to the table with the needles and syringes and picked two of them up.

“What are you doing?” Della asked.

“Giving you two a shot that will make your memories come back because I’m done with you two.” The blonde haired scientist replied.

“Why?” Della asked.

“You two were just my subjects and my experiment worked so you guys aren’t needed anymore.” The blonde haired scientist explained as he injected the chemicals into her arm.

“Then why did you keep me here for 8 years?” April asked.

“Because you weren’t as hard to experiment on like Della was.” The blonde haired scientist told her as he as well injected the chemicals into her arm.

“Oh.” April replied.

“Dr. Greg, go tie these two girls up the same way the others are tied.” The blonde haired scientist ordered.

The red haired scientist grabbed Della and April by their  upper arms and took them over to where the others are and tied them up back to back.

“Now that we’re done with the two brats, it’s time to destroy this place.” The blonde haired scientist said.

“What do you mean by destroy?” Opal asked nervously.

“I’m going to place this time bomb right here.” The blonde haired scientist said placing the bomb with a clock that reads 20 minutes attached to the bomb on the ground. “And in 20 minutes, this whole laboratory is going to explode and you guys are going to explode with it.”

Hearing this made everybody’s eyes widen and they started to struggle against the ropes binding them together while the two scientists walked out of the laboratory laughing evilly and the time bomb started to count down.

The Lab ExperimentWhere stories live. Discover now