Chapter 8

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The Lab Experiment

Chapter 8

“Hang in there, Della.” Daisy said carrying her unconscious sister while running down the sidewalk.

“Is she going to be alright?” Heather asked.

“I don’t know but I hope so.” Daisy replied

“I’m sure she’ll be fine. Anyways, are we almost at the hospital?” Heather asked.

“I think we’re almost there.” Peach said somewhat out of breath from running.

“Good cause we’ve been running for a long time now.” Said Daisy.

“I know but we can’t stop now because you want your sister to be okay right?” Peach asked.

“Right, but isn’t the hospital over there?” Daisy asked pointing to a really tall brick building.

“I think so, let’s go see.” Said Peach.

Heather, Jameson, Peach, and Daisy ran inside the tall building.

“I think we’re in the right place.” Jameson said as he looked around the building.

“I think we are too.” Said Peach

“You guys, over here!” Mario called from the waiting room.

The three princesses and Jameson went over to the waiting room.

“Hey guys, we need a nurse to come get Della.” Said Daisy.

“Let’s just take her to the emergency room ourselves since there are no nurses near us.” Said Luigi

“Good idea.” Said Peach.

Everyone went to the elevators and went up to the emergency area.

“We need help!” Daisy shouted as she carried her little sister into the emergency room.

A nurse rushed over to them with a gurney.

“What’s her name?” The nurse asked taking Della out of Daisy’s arms.

“Her name is Della.” Daisy replied.

“Alright, how did she become unconscious?” The nurse asked as she laid Della onto the gurney.

“Well, Della was kidnapped by these two evil scientists and I guess they injected some chemical to make her lose her memory. Then as we came to rescue her, one of the scientists tied us up and the other scientist injected another chemical that brought her memories back but as we were escaping, she collapsed.” Daisy explained.

“Wow, well we’ll run some blood tests to see what caused her to collapse in the first place.” The nurse explained.

“Alright.” Daisy replied.

“How’s my sister, April doing?” Opal asked.

“I’m not her nurse but I can ask her nurse if you want.” The nurse said.

“That would be great, thanks.” Opal thanked.

“You’re welcome.” The nurse replied.

The nurse rolled Della back into a room to do the blood tests and the rest of the Mario Crew went into the waiting room.

“I’m worried about my sister.” Opal said in a worried tone.

“I know how you feel, Opal. I’m worried about my little sister too.” Said Daisy.

“Don’t worry, April and Della is going to be just fine.” Peach cut in.

“I know they are but I just got my sister back after losing her 8 years ago and I don’t want to lose her again. Said Opal

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