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the blackette pushed open the door and motioned for president choi to enter, to which the older man happily complied to.

though the atmosphere that was seen by the other workers looked like two coworkers bonding, kang soyeong; one of cha mihyeon's many assistants, knew better. the atmosphere was more like two predators, circling each other with killing intent.

the situation in the elevator didn't help, but instead, made the atmosphere worse. soyeong almost pushed another floor button just to get out of the elevator to escape from the atmosphere. but alas, knowing his hellish boss' physicality, cha mihyeon would seize him before he could actually do anything.

the man was about to snap when the elevator doors finally opened, revealing the dreaded meeting room where the atmosphere would turn into hell. he sighed before asking the president,

"president cha, would you like me to prepare tea or coffee this meeting?"

to which the blackette replied with

"how about we let president choi decide?"

"oh i'd love some coffee. i hope you don't mind, president cha."

assistant kang gritted his teeth in anger, remembering that president cha fully dislikes coffee with their whole life.

"assistant kang?"

snapping out of his anger, the man instantly looked up to his president and heeded.

"of course, president cha."

the man walked away in anger and the thoughts of resigning at this point.

now that the two presidents were alone, the atmosphere turned dark quickly, the pair glaring at each other with glares and entered the meeting room.

cha mihyeon pulled a seat and motioned the older to do the same as he starts the conversation.

"now then, president choi, what is the matter with this sudden meeting?"

"well, i'd like to ask you to take some of the employees in HNH under you."

mihyeon quickly realized what this was about and decided to probe a bit further.

"well, i'd rather know the reason first rather than taking in your employees that who knows if they have the talent for this company."

"i assure you president cha, my employees are more than capable to be your assistant."

so he's not giving off his employees, rather, letting them spy on me? sly, old man, but just not sly enough.

"well, you see, president choi, the company has had many recruits this month and i'd like to review them first to see if they're any talented. so i'm afraid i'd have to hold off this for now."

"of course, well that wasn't the only thing i was here to discuss, you see president cha."

oho? what does this sly fox want now?

"of course, it'd be more like a favor."

mihyeon's ears perked up at the word and he immediately got interested.

"well, i suppose i could hear it, since you asked."

he shrugged his shoulders a bit and the older man chuckled a bit before sliding a picture and talking to mihyeon in a whisper.

"president cha. i would like you to keep my daughter in your watch."

mihyeon watched him in amusement and asked why, to which the man replied to lazily,

"she's just getting involved in something she shouldn't be."

"and that something is?"

"i believe you shouldn't get involved with this, president cha."

"very well. i will take care of your daughter, not for free, of course. and i'm afraid you'll have to compensate me with something very expensive."

"of course, president cha. well, that is the end of this meeting, so i assume i should leave now, right?"

"of course, president choi. it'd be nice to see you the next time."

at the exact moment when choi left, soyeong had returned with the cups of coffee and stared in shock.

"assistant kang?"

soyeong immediately yelped at the sound and turned to face his boss, standing in the doorway, staring at him like prey.

"throw the coffee away; along with those cups and make me some oolong tea. send it immediately to my office."

soyeong mumbled something along the lines of 'yes sir.' and left, while mihyeon immediately went up to his office, unbuttoning his blazer and tie, putting them up at his desk, staring at the untouched documents, and sighed before pulling out his seat and beginning to start his daily routine again, all while thinking about the sly fox was planning and smirked.

so you want me to be involved in whatever you are, charles choi? well, two can play at that game.


guys i'm this close to simping for mihyeon 😩 they're so hot wtf anyways please continue to vote and read guys ❤️

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