Kicked out

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"GET THE hELL OUT " my mom screams after me and her had the largest fight "never come back " she says . So I go upstairs to my room and start packing my bags after I'm done I text my friend Kevin asking if he wants to go exploring
KEVIN: yeah sure , text me the place
KARRAH: *texts place*
KEVIN: ok see u there
I get to the place and get off my skate board and walk in waiting for Kevin to get there

I get there and see karrah sitting down in the middle of the room "so what do u wanna do" I say
"I don't know" I say "I think I do " Kevin says as he starts to grab me "stop" i day and he keeps doing it "KEVIN STOP" I say as he pulls a knife out of his bag "every time you scream I'm gonna cut you so shut up" he says "HELP" I say as he cuts me for the third time "I'm going to cut deeper and deeper every time " he says cutting deeper
Me and Sam are going to explore a haunted hospital today *time skip* we get their and we hear muffled screaming and I run in trying to see what it was . I see a young girl and a boy cutting her badly "hey man get off of her " I yell as he runs out
I hear a voice say "hey man get off of her " and Kevin gets off of me running off taking all of my stuff the man starts calling someone named Sam to come in here as I slowly back into a corner of the room
I call Sam and tell him to get in here . I turn around when Sam walks in to see the girl huddled in the corner
The man starts to come up to me he puts his hand on my knee . I jerk back scared it was Kevin "please don't hurt me" I say "hey hey hey it's ok I'm not gonna hurt u ur gonna be ok . I look up to see a brown haired man with piercing blue eyes staring at me . "Let me see ur leg" he says as I let my leg fall to we're he can see it "omg we need to get you to the hospital SAM call an ambulance " he says

I see her leg and call an ambulance "hey what's ur name " I say calming her down "k-karrah ... what's urs " she says "I'm colby this is Sam " I say pointing at Sam when the ambulance pulls in they take her away and I yell "I'll come see u at the hospital"

I had fainted by the time I was in the ambulance I was in and out of consciousness


I get to the hospital and run to the desk "I need to see karrah " I say to the desk person "down the hall and in room a17" she says as I run down the hall to that room I walk in the room and she's asleep but I don't wake her up I'm there till about 4or 5 in the afternoon finally she wakes up and says "hey" in a tired voice that I think is kinda cute "hi how are you and who was that man that was doing that to you" I say she looks at me and says " he was my best friend I asked him if he wanted to explore and he said yes so I waited for him there and when he go there he started grabbing and harassing me and when you came in every thing went black I remember waking up hearing u calling Sam and then crawling into the corner" she says "that's so messed up" I say as she looks at me

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