Hospital visit

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"Ok" Corey said as o went out the door I went skateboarding about half an hour when I feel a hand cover my mouth and push me to the ground after that everything goes black I wake up with terrible pain in my arm and foot I look down and both of then look broken and I had a stream of blood running down my face after about ten minutes of being up everything goes black again because I had fainted and Colby was driving down the road to get chik-fil-a when he sees me laying on the concrete he parks his car and picks me up and puts me in this car taking me to the hospital . I wake up during surgery on my ankle and wrist apparently I had shattered both of them and needed medal rods going through them to keep it in place after the surgery I go into the recovery room and see Colby waiting he gets up and hugs me with tears coming down his face "I thought you were dead" he said "I wasn't I'm sorry for scaring you colbs" I say also crying . I scoot over so he can sit in the bed with me and the doctor comes in "I need to see Colby" the nurse says as Colbys walking out


I'm walking out "she'll need to stay at least five nights so we can get her used to walking and standing with the rods" the nurse says "ok can I stay here with her" I say "yes all we need to do is pull out an extra mattress and putbit in the floor so you can sleep will that be ok" the nurse says "yeah" I say as I walk back in and the nurse tells her how long she needs to stay and that I was gonna be staying with her


It's night time and the nurse says that we should probably go to bed so I do "hey can you sleep up here with me" I ask Colby  "yeah I would love to" Colby says as he gets under the covers with me . I lay my head on his chest and he plays with my hair until he falls asleep


I wake up holding karrah and I wish I could stay here laying with her . She wakes up "hey beautiful are you ok?" I ask "yeah I'm ok" she says in a low tired voice which is really cute . The nurse walks in and says "ok you ready to try and walk" the nurse says "yeah" karrah says . I help her up and walk her to the bars and then she starts standing but I can tell it hurts because her eyes are layering with tears I feel so bad but this is how she's gonna get better "ok your done" the nurse says "tomorrow we're gonna try walking" the nurse says as I help her get back to her bed sitting her down "that really hurt" she says laughing and crying at the Same time "yeah I could tell" I say looking at her "hey do you wanna be my girlfriend" I say doughting that she'll say yes "yes yes yes" she says excitedly I hug her and she kisses me and I kiss back

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